
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ala YaLlah bi nadzrah


  1. Assalam alaikum, Please put a translation to the beautiful Qasida, Ala Yallah bi nadhrah! Please! I searched all over the net and its nowhere to be found.

  2. BismiLlah
    Alaykum al-Salaam.

    Can you read Malaysian language? if you can there's a translation in

    BarakaAllahu fih.

  3. Asalaam alaykum wa rahmatullah

    Sweet sister of mine, would you mind translating in English as I don't know malay? You know my email address if you wish to email me privately :)

    Keep smiling,

  4. Salam,

    Is there an english translation of this beautiful qasida?


  5. salaam,

    great blog!

    this is translation which I got from a friend a while back, i have not managed to verify it but still...


    Ala Yallah bi Nadzrah (Imam al-Haddad)


    Ya Allah. Send down Your mercy by Your gaze
    That will cure all my ailments in me

    Oh my friend! Oh my friend! Don’t you be anxious and burdened
    Leave everything to fate and you will be praised and rewarded
    And be servants who accept what has been decreed by His Lord, which He has fashioned
    And reject you not the decree of Allah, The Lord of the Throne

    Be those who are patient and grateful
    May you be successful and victorious
    And be amongst those who have the secrets
    That is, those who have hearts of light
    Pure from filth; Pristine and refined

    This world is dejected,
    And the life of this world is insignificant, and life is short
    And no one has greed for the world, except those who are blind
    No intellect; that if he is of intellect he will reflect

    Reflecting that this world does not last
    And the sorrows are aplenty
    And wealth is scarce
    Hence, blessed is he, so blessed is he who is cautious of the world
    And divorced himself from it, and prepares himself to obey Allah

    Oh my eyes! Pour from you tears that descend
    For a lover who had been sent

    Slow tempo…

    He was with us and now he has gone
    Our hearts have become saddened at his departure

    But suffice for me, Allah
    That all things will return to You
    And nothing lasts but You
    May Allah pour down His mercy to the occupants of Basshar
    And He is pleasured by them and sent glad tidings

    There exists our masters and teachers
    Our family and those whom we love
    And they remain in our hearts
    They reside in places where the dusts smelt a sweet fragrance

    A resting place for the best of humanity
    They are the leaders of mankind
    In loving them there is happiness
    How blessed are those who visit them with sincerity
    And comes with awareness, so all his wishes will be facilitated.

  6. MashaAllah. SubhanAllah beautiful poem :)


Al-hikam 24, 25, 26

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