
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ihya gathering with Shaykh Syed Muhammad AnNinowy 21/12/2007 Glasgow


1.Fil badani
-Show off feel for akhirah - sadness ect
- show off doing ibadah eg feel tired
-show off zakah e.g.tell paid so much last month to pakistan when asked to donate again
No one is aking how much you donated last month but feels need to tell

2.With clothing and appearance
- make hair rough
-shaving moustache
-rough clothing
different level appearance
e.g.going to see shuyukh, dress suitable for majlis but dress differently for duniya people- clothing to b percieved well

3.With saying
- teaching - for praise of people
- zikr -moving lips
when people around,move lips but people dont know what we r reading
the wholepoint is do youmove your lips when not amongst people
-memorise ect -not to please Allah but to overcome argument
argument to seek truth.not seek victor
NOt to ridicule
must be concerned to look for truth

Whoever seeks path to acquire knowledge, Allah makepath for Jannah for them
but some people seek Jahannam if not for sake of pleasing Creator
Need to acquire scholarshipto please Creator
- amal maaruf nahil anil mungkar only when people around
-improve recitation of Quran when people around
-students of hadith show off they know hadith sahih/hasan ect
i.e wants to be known that they know

4.With deed/action
- in prayer,prolong sujud/rukuk ect when in the masjid in front of others
but dont do it when alone
same with saum/hajj

5.With companions/people you know
- -invite/gather with poeple of certain status
- wants to be known of being around people of status

Darajah/ Level of riya'

1. Not seeking reward at all
deed even the inception not for Creator
mainly to please creation
e.g.pray without wudhu
sadaqah for fear of people....give because people know he has money
Creator's pleasure not a motive... its the environmental pressure

2. He wants thawab/reward but....
- will for reward not as strong as doing for the pleasure of the Creator
-so much so that wont do it when poeple not there
- Imam Ghazali says.... same level as 1
where by deed not void of sins

3.Wants reward from Allah but showing off to people is equal
Imam Ghazali said - like someone who builds and destroys what he builds
maybe he gain rewards and sins....equalises

4. Genuine about reward form Allah
but when people look,motivates him
Hadith Qudsi: I am One who is not in need of association/shirk

either equal or riya destroys the deed


1.Bil ibadah and iman

worst kind bil iman .....munafiq

He believes in Allah and Deen etc but riya in ibadah
Has wrath of Allah thou he may be a muslim

2.No riya in ibadah/iman/fard
but riya in sunnah
e.g.siyam on Mondays and Thursdays
avois condemn and wants to be praised
Allah knows
Imam Ghazali :Fear condemnation of people more than fear of Allah
protect himself from punishment of people and expose himself punishment of people

3. In the act of worship

e.g. make solat better in presence of people
This is how shaytan comes to you
- tells u r protecting people from ghiba more than u r proptecting u from perfecting your prayer

4, Fool people e.g. thief goes to masjid to pray
e.g. Sayyidina umar Radhi Allahu anhu was asked about a man
he said have u travelled with him?Deal dinar with him? perhaps you just saw him praying in the masjid? Go ! you do not know him
Imam ghazali: Most distant people of riya to Allah
uses path to Allah to facilitate sinning wa iya zubillah


Sayyidina Ali Karamallahu Wajhah
"AlKhaliq is so great in those people that everything else is insignificant to them"
If you look at things this way....
U answer yourself
Allah accepts the PURE
Allah accepts taqwa but have to be PURE then acceptance

Condition 1.PURITY 2. TAQWA

Pray the way HE wants you to pray
not the way you want to pray
May not make a difference now

Tell yourself internally e.g.I am fasting, I should be patient
not to tell people
Do not void your sadaqah by doing harmful things


the most important is the smallest in front of you

Our problem, we have separated tongue from the heart and detached
need to move heart
but even in this actions, our heart persist in sinning
AlKhaliq not observed therefore no muraqabah

Hadith ta' budallah
worship Allah as though you see Him

if you do ihsan---what do you expect......ihsan from Allah
Hal jaza ul ihsan illa ihsan

by zikr of Allah the heart will be at peace
If no sukun after zikr, means - zikr void of ihsan/muraqabah
This is a resultant of no toma'ninah and sukun in zikr

Doa Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam....Oh Allah I am seeking Hajj to you with no riya'
Current illness of ummah... brand of hajj clothes, with clips etc
If you are rich, by all means buy the good ones
but dont FOCUS on brand
Leave duniya and go akhirah

Like ant that eats woods....wood will rotten.... pillar will crash
Likewise riyah will spoil deeds
Solah important
be ostentaciousness

Prolong your prayer, but both in masjid and at home
Tahajjud...habitual, not just group gathering at ramadhan
Do for Allah, dont tell anyone

e.g in akhirah there will be those we cant find and when we ask Allah where is fulan bin fulan
Answer I have secretly sent him to Jannah
because he used to worshipme secretly
Point is to face and give yourself to Allah

AsShafii: must have khusuk in all action/rukun of solah, minimum all your limbs are silent for a moment

Remember your ibadah can be for or against you
Akhirah is close, but we are always denial, not me
However insan... yansi... forgets
Death... when it comes cant delay or put ahead of schedule

Ikhlas... no riya
Lillahi robbil alamin
Doa iftitah... inna solati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamati
my solat, my struggle, my life, my death

Seek pleasure of Allah and spread sunnah
even a little knowledge is good/enough for this purpose

purify deeds... time is running out
it may turn totally opposite
What's for you and what's against you?

Intention by itself can ruin your deed
Please Allah

Event of people of Bustan.... evidence that niyyah was enough for Allah's wrath
(father had a farm and used to feed the needy, when he died children wanted to stop feeding them Next morning they woke up,whole farm was burnt)

If you do pious deed, Allah preserve your deed!!
Surah kahaf, point is wa abu huma soliha
Father was pious
Sayyidina Khidr rebuild zidar/wall
Allah willed they grow up and find treasure because their father was pious
How to be pious
wal asr..... aa'milus solihat (pious deeds)

Start right but then you feel you are swaying from your niyyah and feels riya as you are doing deed
Good -alarm ON
Go and correct niyyah

How about if we leave something becoz of people?
If deed is associated with something else, spoils deed
Make it a habit

Good exmaple
Umar AlKhattab
went out with intention to kill the best of creation
but became a muslim
and one of the best

Pre requisite...IKHLAS
He was seeking turth and submit when he found it

Concept of showing off to your ownself

Most improtant
So much so that your heart is a dead meat
Ujub Iblis
use to worship and figures because of worship Allah owes him something

Malaikah didnt ask is he better than us or are we better
but question as they will sin and cause blood shed
Allah : I know what you dont know
but not for iblis

If you like to be forgiven then forgive
Hadith sahih:
Mala yarham la yurham
Who is not merciful wont have mercy upon him

Rigid outlook because of arrogance
Due to emptiness
My mazhab is better than yours, my tariqah is better than your etc... when do we stop
When do we realise WE ALL BELONG TO ALLAH

The husk when full, ---- bow down
when empty-----upright

Fi janatil aliyah kutufuha aniyah
To go to Jannah is high but the fruit is low because it is filled (bow down)

The closer to Allah the more humble
One whom Master the knowledge is more humble
the one with most knowledge yet the most humble is Rasulullah Salllahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam

Sunday, November 25, 2007

doa when being praised..... sharing

Assalamu alaykum

I have just finished an online class with Shaykh A Aziz on Book of asssistance chapter 25
If I have been wrong to praise or have beause of my praise caused ujub and kibr (pride and ostentitiousness), pls forgive me

The doa to read when being praised as read by Sahabat Kabir Abu Bakar AsSiddiq Radhi Allahu Anhu(insya Allah getting the arabic version soon )

The translation:
Oh Allah , You are more knowledgable about me than myself and I am more knowledgable about myself than them. Oh Allah do not call me into account of what they say and forgive me for what they do not know and make me better than what they think

There is a hadith stating that Jibrail alaihi salam taught Rasulullah Salllahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam a doa that has never been taught before. Insya Allah will update once we get them.
When being priased, dislike in your heart... that is adab to avoid ujub and kibr

Praise is only praiseworthy when
1. Sincere by the one praising and the one receiving the praise
2. Intention of the praise
3. May result into better action

Has to be with adab of
1. the way and time
2. with yourself when praising (and the person being praised)
3. with your Creator

Hadith narrated by Miqdad Radhi Allahu anhu
"We were ordered by Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam to throw sand in the face of the those who praise."
Not literal
e.g. shaykh may praise mureed which will result in better attendance at gathering

Also this in relation of taqwa of the one beng praised too
e.g. Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam did not throw sand on Hasan bin Thabit radhi allahu anhu when he read poems praising Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam
nor did anyone throw sand to Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam when he praised them e.g. when Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam said to sayyidina abu Bakar Radhi Allahu anhu ......."you are not form the people of kibr" (Hadith prohibiting long izar when sayyidina Abu Bakar said " I am thin" meaning his izar will fall long as he was thin. The Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam said the above mentioned)

Sayyidina Umar AlKhattab
"Be weary of false praise for praise is slaughter"



E.G. shaykh AAA praised Shaykh Furber from Cairo with the intention if anyone goes to Cairo should seek him and benefit from him who has deep knowledge in fiqh and hadith as he is not well known

(Courtesy of Umm Nur.. May Allah increase her, bless her and give her afwa wal afiah.. ameen)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

ihya 23.09.07

AlhamdulilLah wa syukr liLlah.

We've put the audio recording of the continuation of Ihya' Ulumuddin dars on rememberance of death by Syeikh Abdul Aziz Ahmed.. It was a very beneficial dars and InsyaAllah you'll benefit from listening to it.

In dire need of your duas.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Nasaih 10.09.07

Al-Salaamu alaykum

AlhamdulilLah, we had put the audio lecture of Syeikh Abdul Aziz Ahmed from the book of Nasaih of Imam Abdullah Al-haddad on fasting. The recording started a bit later from the actual dars..

Have a blessed Ramadan and please keep us in your duas.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007



A good friend has asked me to list what are the small things that we can do with children that make them practice the sunnah.. These are some of the things which have been taught by my mother (may Allah have mercy upon her, forgive her and let her be in the best of companions) and observed from other families.
- Waking up with the du'a "AlhamdulilLahi ladzi ahyana ba'da ma amatana wa ilayhin nusyur"
- Brushing teeth and let them play with the miswak.
- Emphasize on RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam stories, and his favourite colour.. what he like to do etc. Read the stories of Rasuls, sahabi and pious people for bedtime.
- Get them to take a bath and syampoo before noon every friday.. Make friday a big day. Let them wear their favourite shoes etc.
- Always start with the right side on item of clothing etc.
- Washing hands before and after food. and the du'a before and after food.
- Not to touch the food before their father did unless being given permission to do so. (respecting the elderlies)
- Congregation prayers as much as possible and sitting together to recite zikr as a family everyday.
- To kiss the hand of parents, elderly and scholars.
- Covering the head and wearing sandals upon entering WC (and the du'a).
- Reciting 'BismilLah amantu bilLah tawakaltu 'alaLlah, wa la hawla wa la quwata illa bilLah' upon going out from the house.

Sitting in gatherings of knowledge and zikr have big impact as well. We (especially mothers) tend not to be able to listen properly as the children might be a BIG distraction.. but just bear in mind the barakah pouring down in the gatherings. and InsyaAllah and by the grace of Allah.. it will be much easier to teach them about Islam..

And the importance of du'a. As a mom, sometimes you can say something like 'You're a naughty boy' or 'you're so stubborn' without realising that the words might go straight to heaven!

May Allah make it easy for us to take care of our children.. and may they become a source of happiness for us in this world, in the grave and in the hereafter.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Strong believer vs weak believer

Strong Believer vs. Weak Believer
Answered by Shaykh Hamza Karamali, SunniPath Academy Teacherhttp://qa.sunnipath .com/issue_ view.asp? id=14428&hd=7&cate=3120&t=rss

Q - Our beloved Prophet, sallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, said that a strong believer is more beloved in the sight of Allah than a weak believer but there is good in both. What is the essence in one's character that makes them strong or weak? Perhaps if you could answer this on a very practical level in dealing with one's trials and relationships? Also, when Allah says that there is good in both, is referring to faith?

A - In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate
assalamu `alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh
Imam Nawawi (Allah have mercy on him) mentioned this hadith in the Chapter of Striving of Riyad al-Salihin (it is listed as hadith #100 in Riyad al-Salihin):
100. Abu Hurayra said that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer although there is good in each. Desire that which will bring you benefit, and seek help from Allah and do not give way to incapacity. If something happens to you, do not say, 'If only I had done such-and-such. ' Rather say, 'The decree of Allah. He does what He will.' Otherwise you will open yourself up to the action of Shaytan." [Muslim]What is meant by "strength" and "weakness" in the believer is "strength of faith" and "weakness of faith." The rest of the hadith explains some of the the signs of strong faith: to be avid for what brings one true benefit in the next life, to not give up when striving to fulfill the rights that Allah Most High has over one, and to bear patiently with the trials of destiny.Shaykh Muhammad Ibn `Allan (Allah have mercy on him) mentions in his commentary on Riyad al-Salihin that the strong believer is the one whose faith is so strong that the wordly causes and effects do not distract him from the One who is really running the world, so that he has complete reliance on his creator. The outward sign of strong faith is increased worship: the stronger a believer is in his faith, the more he will busy himself with the worship of His Loard.By mentioning this hadith in the Chapter of Striving (mujahadah), Imam Nawawi is explaining to us that the point of the hadith is to get us to roll up our sleeves and get busy in trying to purify ourselves from disobedience to Allah Most High--inwardly and outwardly--and to adorn ourselves with His obedience--inwardly and outwardly.As for the final part of your question, when the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said that there is "good in both", he meant--as explained by Shaykh Ibn `Allan--that the good that is in both of them is the faith that is in their hearts. In other words, although the faith of the strong believer is stronger than the faith of the weak believer, both are, at the end of the day believers, and belief is a tremendous blessing from Allah Most High.And Allah Most High knows best.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Benefit of Solah Alan Nabi Sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam

Shaykh Syed Muhammad bin Yahaya AlHusainy AnNinowy (May Allah santify their secrets)_ SUHBA 2007

Means to Allah, the best means is through Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam
Hadith: Those closest to me in yaunul qiyamah does more solah and salam on Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam

2.Obeying Allah and feeling obeying Allah
As per verse of Al Quran (to be added insya Allah)

3.gateway of being close to Allah
according to Ulama Suluk

4.Be with malaikah
AlQuran evidence (to be added insya Allah)

5.As a form of syukur
Allah gives and renew ni’mah but few are thankful slaves
After furud, the best way for shukr is solah and salam on Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam

6.A source of guidance for people with no guide as yet
According to Ulama Suluk

7.Making solah and salam on Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam qualifies the reader to receive solah from Allah
You make 1 solah and salam, Allah makes on you i.e increases your maqam and accepts your deeds
Arabic: Assolah : Doa
When you do solah and salam you say Allahumma……
Therefore when you mention Allah you in hadrah of Allah. Allah wills for your mention by malaikah
You are in superior hadrah in the hadrah of Allah

8.Eligible for Syufaah from Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam

9.Sign distinguishing mu’minin from munafiqin
Munafiqin don’t do solah and salam on Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam
Mu’minin do lots : Yaz kurullaha kathira

10.Wiping and erasing of sins
More sins wipe from your deeds with increasing solah and salam
A form of making obvious their needs to Allah and Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam but need yakin
More persistence your solah and salam, Allah will solve all whether health/family issues/ job/marriage/children

11.Nur on your face and soul
Tanwil wa zawahir wal asrar
Heart lit with Nur duniya/akhirah/qubur

12.A means to save from hardship
Make solah and salam a habit and Allah will save you

13.A way to receive hasanat and erase sayyiat
1 solah and salam on Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam, Allah will erase 10 sayyiat and write 10 hasanat

14.Doas will be answered/mustajab

15.Covering of shortcomings and imperfections
A cause for satrol uyub

16.Alleviate depression
By Allah those who increase their solah and salam on Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam , Allah will take away all their sadness

17.As valuable as sadaqah

18.Reason for the recitor to receive glad tidings to go to Jannah

19.Bypass hardship at Yaumul Qiyamah
Reason to drink form the basin (hawd) of Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam. It is sweeter than honey and clearer than snow and as many glasses as there are stars in the sky
Those who increase their solah and salam on Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam will drink from Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam’s honourable hands and will never taste thirst ever again

20.Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam replies back to you by name
Togive salam is fardhu kifayah but to reply is fard
And Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam is the most generous and he will not leave your solah and salam unanswered

21.Reason for increase in memory
Sharpens the memory

22.A way to recall when you forget something
Insya Allah you will remember

23.Reason for majlis to be perfumed and blessed
Malaikah will surround the majlis

hadith to be added insya Allah

24.Reason to escape from poverty

25.Avoid becoming stingy
The stingiest person is one who don’t do solah and salam on Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam when his name is mentioned

26.Reason to safely pass the siratul mustaqim

27.Reason for invocation of Rahmah from Allah for you

28.Reason for barakah in every aspect of life

29.Reason for Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam to love you
Even if you make mistakes now and then

30.The least we can do to thank Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam

31.Zikr of Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam is zikr of Allah
You begin solah and salam with Allahumma….
So it is also zikr of Allah

32.Reason for lasting imprinted image of Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam in the mind and soul
Gates will be opened for you

33.Key for success duniya and akhirah
For full lecture, the Suhba DVD will soon be available at, insya Allah.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Hadith 27

From an-Nawwas ibn Sam’an, may Allah be pleased with him, from the Prophet, RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam, that he said, “Birr is good nature, and ithm is that which becomes agitated in your self and which you would hate for people to discover.’ Muslim narrated it.

From Wabisah ibn Ma’bad, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said, “I came to the messenger RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam and he said, “You have come to ask about birr?” I said, ‘yes!’ He said, ‘Ask your heart for a judgement. Birr is that towards which the self is tranquil and towards which the heart is tranquil. Isthm is that which becomes agitated in self and it goes agitatedly to and fro in the breast even though people repeatedly give you a judgement’.” A good hadith which we have narrated in the two Musnads of the Imams Ahmad ibn Hanbal and ad-Darimi with a good isnad.

Biography of the narrator: Nawwas bin Sim’an
- his father came to Madina at 9 A.H. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam made a special for Sama’an. He took of his sandal as a gift to RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam and asked “would you like to marry the most beautiful woman in this world (Asma’ bt Nu’man)?” He contracted the marriage to RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.
- Nawwas stayed as ahlus suffah because he had one question

The hadith have three main keywords:
Husnul khulq

Birr is connected to Allah’s name Al-Barr ie the One who shows birr to His slaves. Birr means ihsan = to show goodness eg in slaughtering which is a basic human action (in Hadith 17) and in the qur’an …wataAAawanoo AAala albirri waalttaqwa… (5:2) which literally means ‘Help ye one another in righteousness and piety’; and we have been instructed to do birr to our parents.
Imam Bukhari is the best in doing taghwib (categorizing into chapters) and one of the chapters is ‘Kitab Birr al-Silah’.
Birr can be translated as obedience (ta’at) and the opposite of ithm ie wrongdoing and not obedience.
Birr can be found in qur’an (2:177, 2:189, 2:44, 3:92, 58:9)
Jabir said that Allah’s Messenger (saws) saw a man who was being shaded (by other people while traveling). The Prophet saws asked about him and he was told that man was fasting. The Prophet saws said: It is not a part of Birr (piety) to fast while traveling. This was recorded by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
Burr (wheat) to body is like birr to spirit.

Ithm is wrongdoing and not obedience. Zanb means a state of lowness. Sins have christians connotation to it but according to Islam people do commit zanb from time to time and they pick themselves up.
Ithm in camels means slow.

Husnul khulq is beautiful inward form.
‘Adabani Robbi Faahsana ta’dibi' (Hadith) Ihsan of Allah for ahsanul khulq.

Fitra: naturally people knew in their heart that stealing is wrong

Three advice of Sayidina Adam Alayhi al-salaam to his son
1) when you want to domething check your heart, it must be settled
2) Ask someone who have more knowledge
3) Check the consequence.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Khulasa al-madad al-Nabawi


It is our honour and our pleasure to link this page to a blessed book.. a compilation of adzkar and awrad and much more.. that we can practise from the beginning of our day till the end.

May Allah give us the barakah from the book, from the scholar, from the land it is from and from the blood of the best of creation, Sayyidina wa mawlana Muhammad SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam..

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Habib Umar's Q/A


Just received this wonderful e-mail from a dear sister and hope that everyone can benefit from it.. May Allah increase our love to Rasool Alayhi Salatu wassalam.

Assalamu alaikum sisters,
Upon reading Sheikh Habib Umar's website and finding a section in which people ask him questions and he answers, I found it to be very useful and wished to share (a rough translation) with those whom especially do not understand Arabic.
This is one from amongst many questions.

Someone asked:Q: What is our duty towards Rabbia-Al-Awwal?
A: Allah chose the birth of Sayidna Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa salem) to be in this month and this is enough for the believer to know that it is upon him to renew his iman and his relationship with Sayidna Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa salem).He should express his happiness with the birth of the Nabi and the emerging of the Prophet to the world.The first connection we should have towards him is when he was born. It is the beginning of a life that Allah has sworn in the Quran with. Allah swore by saying: "By the life of Muhammad..."Allah esteems things he swears by so every Believer should remember that this is the month in which he was delivered.Renew the relationship with him with iman, tasdeeq, loving him, and following him. And one has to prove all this by getting together for thikr, the people of the house reciting the seerah, reciting the mawlid, giving food, all of what one can do.......showing that you are following Sayidna Muhammad and that you are happy with him.The best of the sahabba praised him and in this way got closer to Allah. Allah gave him praise so you have to know from this that every Believer should (especially in this month) remember the blessing that Allah has given us in the Rasool.Every Monday, review this relationship between you and the Prophet and wish and desire to meet him and be with him.Send a lot of salawat.Look into your home and family and tie them to the Rasool with love and esteem.Read the Mawlid in the middle of the house.Find out what was against his way, and rid your house of such. Keep only what Sayidna Muhammad would look at from tapes, magazines, books, and t.v shows in order to CLEANSE the house.Cleanse Yourself from using bad language, backbiting, envy, and resentment.Allah will assist the honest and the one trying to turn to Him.In this month, we find a great reminder.Sayidna Abbas said to Sayidna Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa salem):"And when you were born....the earth shined......And the horizons became illuminated by your light......And we, in this light of down the right path."
**************************************May Allah fill our hearts with the delight of our Beloved Prophet's birth and may those around us FEEL the joy from within ourselves for this Great Blessing we have!Ameen
(and may Allah bless you and your family, dear sister)..

Friday, March 16, 2007


(Shaykh Syed Muhammad bin Yahya AlHusainy)

Source of righteousness is AlQuran and Sunnah

AlQuran: Allahu waliyullazi na amanu
Rough meaning: Allah is the wali of the believers
He takes them from dark to light and from wrong to righteousness
The state of righteousness brings one closer to the Creator
The closer you are to the sunnah of Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam the closer you are to righteousness
The zikr of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam by itself is elevating

If anyone does nothing else in life except the Fard and salawat alan Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam only, he is amongst the auliya of Allah.

A sahabi once asked Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam
Ya Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam what if I make one quarter of my doas solah and salawat alan Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam
That is good. But increase is better

What if I increase it from one quarter to half?
That is good. But more is better

What if I increase from half to three quarters?
That is good. But more is better

What if I do my whole doa solah and salam on you purely?
Allah will suffice from any hardships you have.

Rough meaning of AlQuran: Isn’t Allah enough for His slave?
Of course for those with tahkik in iman
Allah is the wali of mu’min, takes from wrong to righteousness
Becomes a wali to Him means support and care
Inayah of Allah takes care of you… falam….. sleep
Going to the Nur and righteousness is through becoming wali to Allah
Those who TRULY believe in Allah and his prophet.
Alquran: Allazina amanu wa kanu yattakun
Allah will put them on Nur and way of rightouesness
No worries about them

Saydina Ibrahim AlKhalil Alaihi salam , wanted to burn him
People always think it is up to them to do things
(one time someone said to me if you speak about mawlid I will make sure you will never speak again.
AlShaykh replied “Wallallah If I knew the power was in your hands I will worship you instead)
Saydina Ibrahim Khalilul Rahman was given options to swing his stands to suit them
He said “no”
They said “we will burn you”
They got the fire burning for 6 months
It was so hot and so high that even birds couldn’t fly in the air space above it
They tied Saydina Ibrahim Alaihi salam to a device (catapult) that will throw straight into the fire
Saydina Jibrail alaihi salam came to him while Saydina Ibrahim alaihi salam while he was airborne and asked “Assalamu alayka Ya habibur Rahman”
“Wa alaykum salam Ya Jibril”
“Ya Kholilul Rahman, do you have anything to ask of Allah at this time?”
“Ya Jibril, to you NO.I have no need and nothing to ask. His knowledge of where I am is enough for me”

AlQuran: “ Qul na ya na rukuni bardan wa salam ala ibrahim”
Rough translation: Oh fire be cold and be peaceful for Ibrahim”
Not cold only, if be cold only Saydina Ibrahim alaihi salam would have frozen to death.
Allah said bardan wa salam…. And peaceful.

So who are they?
Quran: Allazi na amanu yattakun.
Lahumul Bushra… they have the care of Allah. When?
Fi hayatid duniya wal akhirah

They have the care of Allah and righteousness in the duniya and in akhirah.
And to be CLOSE to Allah means you have to be close to His beloved Habibul Azam Sayyidina Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam
That means hubbur Rasul Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam should dominate the mind, the thought, the fikr, your body, the eyes, the ears, the limbs.So everything about you is hubbun Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam.
In this kind of realationship, one like to be alone.
Therefore best would be if you love him alone Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam.This way is the GATE to Allah Taala.

Ibn Majah narrates in Hadith Hasan
The hadith says that Sahlu ibn Saad (big sahabah) Radhi Allahu Anhum.
His name was Hazan (difficult) versus sahel (easy land, flat land)
Habibul Azam Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam used to change the name of some sahabi if meanings were bad or rough.
Amongst the people he changed name was Ghawi( misguided) bin Zalim (oppressor)
It was cultural for the Arabs to give their sons tough hostile name such as
Hamza (Lion) Ali (superior) Harb (war) Husam (sword) Muhannat (another type of sword)
Whereas it was cultural to name their slaves soft names such as Wardah (flower)
Reason: Sons were for batlle. Sons were asked to join battle to show commitment and truthful.

Surah Ali Imran verse 61.
“……Qul taa lau nad’U Wa abna ana wa abna akum wa nisa ana wa nisa akumwa amfusana wa amfusakum thumma nabtahil fanaj’al la’nat Allahu alal kazibin.”

Delegation of Basara Najran (Yemen) wanted to debate with the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam.and got the highest amongst them to do mubahalah.( Referenace Tafsir Imam AlGhazi.)
Mubahalah is when you line up a team from us in front of a team from you and we will both ask the Creator descend the curse amongst those who lied upon God.
Theological war.
Next day, the biggest of the scholar of Najran said, “If Muhammad puts his friends and his people and not him, then do mubahalah. Don’t worry.If he puts himself maybe he is truthful."
The next day the ayah mentioned was revealed.Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam put the first line AlHasan wal Husayn(wa abna ana wa abna akum) then Saydatina Fatimah (wa nisa ana wa nisa akum) (wa anfusana wa anfusakum) and he Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam took the hand of Al Ali and said and then we will ask Allah to descend His curse upon those who lied.
The chief of the Priest said, “Do not come close to this man. Walallah these faces, if they asked Allah to destroy all these mountains, it will happen this way."
Why? Whose gonna be the first line? Wa abna ana wa abna akum.

Ghawi bin Zalim was hunting trip in the desert for the desert big birds. Those days there were no grocery stores.
Ghawi bin Zalim was a Bedouin.He caught and killed the bird. Lit the fire and put the bird on the grill. When it was time to eat, he remembered his idol. (Quraisy were quite sophisticated then…. had take-away Gods then).He felt it was poor adab not to offer god to eat. He took the idol right in front of the meal.He asked the idol to eat three times and nothing happened. Suddenly a desert fox came, ate the bird and when the fox finished, it raised its foot and started to urinate right on top of the idol.
Ghawi lost it.
“Those who depend on you when there is a battle and hardship would surely be humiliated for a fox to urinate on top of the head of god”
He went to Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam and took shahadah. Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam changed his name from Ghawi (misguided) to Rashid (guided)

A man came to Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam “Guide me to the deed. Yuhibbunillah yuhibbulinnas”.
(What kind of education did they have. SubhanAllah eloquent speech, unbelievable thought….. they graduate from University of Muhammadun Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam)
Yuhibbunillah : zuhud in dunia
Detachment , give for the path of Allah, righteous reason
Yuhibbulinnas: zuhud from people have in their hands they will love you
Don’t take their position, power, money
Only know them for the sake of Allah.

If know people for the sake of Allah, Allah will bring people that they love him and Allah loves them.Those who believe have most love for Allah.
Sahabat kirom, exited life while still alive
Arrive in akhirah whilst in duniya
Remember Saydina Abu Bakar Radhi Allahu anhu when he gave all his money…. What did you leave for your family ? ALLAH AND HIS RASUL Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam.

Zuhd is emptying love for duniya from heart
70-80% crime is for money
Be abda of Allah
Not abda for dollar, pounds, euro
20% of the rest of crimes are realted to other passions of human nature

From Saydina Ali Karamallahu wajhah:
The nafs is crying on dunia knowing that to be safe is really to abandon whole dunia.
No home will you have in akhirah except home that you build while in duniya.
If he builds with goodness and righteousness, he’ll have good living
Build with evil, all will be lost

Work for tomorrow/living place where Ridzwan is the security guard of that home and your neighbour is Ahmad and Allah is his Creator

Abu Bakar at death bed and Saydatina Ayesha Radhi Allahu Anha was crying “Should I call the doctor?”
“I have already asked the doctor”
“What did he say”
“He said Qa la inni fa alu lima urid” “I will do whatever I will”

Reasons not effector.
Usually knife cuts That’s classical conditioning Conditional response.
Allah wills the knife to cut.
Not when Allah does not will example Saydina Ibrahim Alaihi salam and Saydina Ismail alaihi salam.

Saydina Safina Radhi Allahu anhu was the mawla of Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam. He Radhi Allahu anhu took the tabiin but the safina (ship) that took them went down and broke before reaching shore. They took pieces of wood and swam to East African shore
Upon arriving on the shore,they saw lions and tigers.
The tabiin hid behind Saydina Safina Radhi allahu anhu who took few stpes towards them and said “Assalamu alayka ya abal harith (lion)”
“I am Saydina Mawla of Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam”
All narrator said that the lion close mouth, bow down, made way for Saydina Safina Radhi Allahu Anhu and the tabiin and lead them towards food in the middle of the island.

Ocean cannot drown no matter how much water like Saydina Yunus Alaihi salam in the stomach of the fish.
Fish didn’t eat, water didn’t drown although Saydian Yunus Alaihi salam was at the bottom of the ocean.

Saydina Musa Alaihi salam when they came to water after being chase
“We are surely drowning”
“Surely not,With me is my Lord”
Believe in Allah caused the ocean to part into 2 way motorway.

No Problem.

If Allah with you, you have nothing to fear
If Allah is not with you, you have everything to fear.



Those who believe and do good and Allah will make them loved

Allah loves His slave and order Saydina Jibrail alaihi salam to love him and announce to the people of heaven and earth. Allah loves him, so love him. People will love you and you walk with the care of Allah.

Pleasing people is difficult task. 6 billion people on earth.
You can’t even please 1 billion.


Do not be saddened by what people say

Example of the narration Luqman and his son and the lesson regarding the donkey




Example of Saydina Ali Karamallahu Wajhah who went to correct the situation when a woman asked his help. Her abusive husband who was initially very hostile but when he realized it was Amirul Mu’minin in front of him, he went on his knees. and begged to be overlooked.
Saydina Ali Karamallahu Wajhah said “Get up. Please Allah and I will be happy”

Monday, March 12, 2007

Muslim in the west: conflict/co-existence

Muslim in the west: conflict / co-existence

AlhamdulilLah on 05.03.07 we had the chance to listen to Syeikh Syed Muhammad Bin Yahya An-niwowy (May Allah preserve him and increase his rank and make us benefit from him) at Glasgow University. Here is the excerpt from his talk:

-Dunya is like a prison with rivers and mountains etc within encapsulating wall. Some may find it is comforting to live in, but some, upon curiosity struggling to go outside, to find what beyond the wall. There are also some cracks on the walls through which light from outside can penetrate, thus outside contain ‘lights’ which is analogy to guidance for better lives. Prophets were sent down to lead the latter type of people.

-Allah commanded ‘adl wal ihsan (justice and general decency). 16:90 Inna Allaha yamuru bialAAadli waalihsani waeetai thee alqurba wayanha AAani alfahshai waalmunkari waalbaghyi yaAAithukum laAAallakum tathakkaroona (Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition)..
-Shaykh also mentioned that there is no absolute justice, so as long as there is justice (at various degree and level), the world will be in peace.
-Ihsan with creation; included in ‘general decency’ is the way we as slaves dealing with our sole Creator.
- From hadith jibril regarding ihsan. Also a hadith that say “Those who do good deeds (decent action) has do ihsan.
-From the ayat in Al-baqarah 2:112 Bala man aslama wajhahu lillahi wahuwa muhsinun falahu ajruhu AAinda rabbihi wala khawfun AAalayhim wala hum yahzanoon (Nay,-whoever submits His whole self to Allah and is a doer of good,- He will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve).
And from the ayat in Al-Baqarah 2:83 Waith akhathna meethaqa banee israeela la taAAbudoona illa Allaha wabialwalidayni ihsanan wathee alqurba waalyatama waalmasakeeni waqooloo lilnnasi husnan waaqeemoo alssalata waatoo alzzakata thumma tawallaytum illa qaleelan minkum waantum muAAridoona (And remember We took a covenant from the Children of Israel: Worship none but Allah. treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practise regular charity. Then did ye turn back, except a few among you, and ye backslide
And from the ayat in An-Nisa’ 4:36 WaoAAbudoo Allaha wala tushrikoo bihi shayan wabialwalidayni ihsanan wabithee alqurba waalyatama waalmasakeeni waaljari thee alqurba waaljari aljunubi waalssahibi bialjanbi waibni alssabeeli wama malakat aymanukum inna Allaha la yuhibbu man kana mukhtalan fakhooran (Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him; and do good- to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbours who are near, neighbours who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: For Allah loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious)….in summary, “decency” is an integral in Islam

- Don’t limit being good for things only as RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam is mercy for every creation living and non-living. 21:107 Wama arsalnaka illa rahmatan lilAAalameena….and the meaning of ‘creation’ in the ayat encompass objects and living things, and in harmony to all others. A firman: Everyhting has orbits and ends, so we have to interact with ihsan to everything (sorry didn’t know which ayat)

- From Sahih Muslim ‘Never does a Muslim plant trees or cultivate land and birds or a man or a beast eat out of them but that is a charity on his behalf’ ie it will become an ongoing sadaqah until Day of Judgement.

Many a time non-Muslims come forward defending on behalf of Muslims issues. Muslim in UK has unique opportunity to lead other Muslims world wide, and those opportunity COMES with responsibility . The latter entails endevour to harmonise things with ihsan.

- Everyone of us has responsibility as in the hadith: “Ala kullukum ra’i, wa kullukum mas’ulun ‘an ra’iyatihi”

-Islam affirmed every human dignity. As Islam aim is to give live and not to take it and this has no contradiction with basic human values i.e dignity

Hence, Shaykh Sayid Muhammad proposed:
1. ..- We need a full time, 24hrs professional for islam. eg Muslim professional da’ie which include Muslim thinkers
2- Mosque should be the hub of community. Make it a central and get people involve and educate people
3. we have to induce/inculcate tolerance in ourselves and start building bridges and not burning bridges. We have to think of the well-being of everyone: society, country and the world. We should demonstrate ourselves as leaders by examples i.e diligently work and concern profoundly the well being of societies, we have job to brighten the world hence proving that Rasulullah sallalahu alayhi wa alihi wasallam was sent as a mercy to creations
- RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam had a jewish neighbour who threw rubbish at his house everyday. One day, there was no rubbish and RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam went to meet him at his house and found that he was ill.

- Arab was well-known as people who are very generous and warm hospitality. Travellers used to travel and go to any tribe’s place and stayed overnight without being questioned anything, even their names. Hatim Al-Tha’I at the time before Islam was famous for his generosity. He always feed large group of people and have the largest fire to attract travelers to his place. His son, Adib Al-Hatim was the king of the tribe and went to Syria to fight with RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam. He fled the battlefield and his sister and aunt were captured. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam sent them back with presents. When Adib was asked by them why did he left them, he answered “I knew I left you in the hand of honourable people.” (ie. Muslims was well-known for being honourable and dignified).

- When Sayidina Umar RadhiyaAllahu anh was a khalifah, he saw a christian man was beging on the street. The man said ‘you have over-taxed us’. He ordered money to be given to the man and people to look after him.

- Never in history a religious figure built nuclear weapon or said ‘who don’t believe in me, I’ll wipe him out’.

- If we are narrow-minded, we’ll see that there’s conflict like Sayidina Isa Alyhi Salaam was blindfolded by 2 soldiers and one of them hit him. They asked him, who hit him?

- Rahmat (mercy) can be defined as hope and opportunity.

- Allah created people and Allah created religion. Even in the time of RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam there’s other religions.

- Decency should come from the heart.

- When Sayidina Ali KaramulLahu wajhah was a khalifah, a Christian man came and complained to him. He’s an army but have less wages because of his religion. Sayidina Ali KaramulLahu wajhah brought him to the Minister of Finance (Abdullah Bin Rafi’) and put the minister into jail.

“Decency is cornerstone for all human decency” and Islam emphasise this by this verse 49:13:
Ya ayyuha alnnasu inna khalaqnakum min thakarin waontha wajaAAalnakum shuAAooban waqabaila litaAAarafoo. (O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). 49:13

Keyword is TAQWA = IHSAN

Power of words. Words can affect everything, that words we speak to ourselves and to external environments. Thus say good words. Firman: do good and decent, because Allah likes decent


- What good are you if you do good to those who do good to you?
King barbar occupied Morocco and became a muslim. He went to Madinah to visit, and to find a spouse for his only daughter. He went to a pious man’s house in madinah and this man had 3 sons. The king voiced his intention and the man requested some time. He called his 3 sons one at a time. He called the first one and asked, ‘what will you do if someone do bad to you?’ The first son said ‘I’ll do something equal to him ie. Eye for an eye and ear for an ear.’ Then, he asked the same questions to the 2nd son and the son answered ‘I’ll forgive his mistakes.’ When the man asked the same question to his third son ‘what will you do if someone did something bad to you?’ he answered ‘I’ll do good to him. My nature/habits (goodness) will overcome his nature (badness).’

- We should always serve humanity. We should find common denominator e.g in middle ages, scientist spearheading n majority were Muslims. And they actually did something that benefits entire humanity. Likewise, we have to excel like our predecessors, be excel in sciences and benefits others, as Islam’s code is conducive to development, don’t be narrow-minded. Previous excellent scientists were also dedicated jews/Christians, thus no religion restrict development

- Syeikh Sayid Muhammad did not believe in conflict per say, as conflict can be solved by having dialogue. The latter opens ways for intellectual exchange therefore DO NOT stop dialogue.
- Do not focus on negativity as it is always there. Nobody can please everyone.
- We have to nurture ihsan by learning the qur’an and sunnah. Think ourself as human.
- If you can articulate what your opponent are thinking and his points, you haven’t even you haven’t even begun to bring them closer. You’re narrow-minded as you’re judging people on your standard.
-violence and radical is not native to Islam and not to other religion

-The truth is usually unpopular, its very easy to stripe human rights. E.g in any wars, they call “target” referring to “people” or human beings. The former is not decent at all.

Its not about other people, its about us, our job as muslims is to depict the best in moral, and set high standard to it.
- core thing is to educate Muslim youth, and long term plans starts at home, emphasise on morality
- blame game is endless, thus Muslim should search for truth and present the truth; as it is unfair to judge at one side only. A fair judge is who looks at both sides.

(thank you Ummu Muhammad for her contribution).

How to fold a prayer mat?


It was so interesting that we just realised that we're losing our adaab.. SubhanaAllah! when we went to Syeikh Abdul Aziz's place.. we learnt lots of things! Indeed so little is our knowledge..
My daughter, Khadijah (6 yrs old) was going to fold a prayer mat and the Sheikh showed her the correct way.. ie.. you have to fold it in such a way that the feet part goes together first.. and not folding it from the lower part to the place you put your head.. SubhanaAllah..
Hmm.. just wondering.. Maybe we have so little knowledge.. because we have little adab?

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Pictures of Habib Kadzim

Umm Muhammad said: may Allah shine him n bless us all with his barakah originated fr our Liege lord- Shamsal Huda. Ameen

Sunday, February 25, 2007



The concept of Bidah has peroccupied many Muslims and it has forced people away from true etiquette that Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam embodied.
Differences has been there from the time of Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi and will always be there until end of time.
We should maintain high character and lofty mannerism in approaching differences.
Differences is practised by humankind generally.
It should not result in negative attitude and disrespect of other people.
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam said differences within my ummah /community is a blessing.
We cannot assume that there is only one correct way of understanding.

The example from prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam
He Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam instructed a group of sahabi not to pray asr until they reach Bani Khuraizah (is this right name).
A group of sahabi didn't pray as they understood the literal sense whereas a group prayed on the way as they understood prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam wanted them to hasten and not prayed in Madina. When they returned and this was narrated to Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam, he did not negate either one of this groups. He ACCEPTED BOTH

Sahabi didn't differe amongst themselves but respected each other differences and didn't despice one group's action from another.Their hearts were together.

Another example
Arabic language- words/phrases has multiple meaning.
one word has more than 1 meaning
one phrase has multiple meanings
Imam Maliki/Shafii/Ahmad each looked and derived different understanding according to how the understood
each would use evidences from the sunnah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam to support their understandings
but another scholar would not say the other is misguided/fasik ect but will work on what he understands.
Scholars accept differences in opinions.

Arabic language opens doors to different understanding.

e.g the word fauk
in the arabic word has 13 meanings
example fauk: above
fauk: greater than (in a parable)
Fauk: extra (verse of inheritance)

ishtiwar- establish
has 6 different meanings

_another example:_,_._,___
particle- connected to a word, on its own has not meaning
example in the verse about wudhu the particle "ba" causes differences in meaning about wiping the hair
each scholar produce evidences from sunnah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam based on understanding and prophetic light.

in the latter day period/now Muslims are preoccupied with innovation in an incorrect manner which results in negativism in their hearts and perspective towards someone else
if we go back to Quran and sunnah of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam understand innovation,

TRUTH of the matter is clear
in a situation (1) know reality of matter
(2) courage to stand on reality

Bidah- innovation
means new inventions without previous example

Quran..... Badi us sama waliwal ard
Creator without any previous example

Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam when he warned about innovation, he warned in a general manner
Beware of every new innovation and is a misguidance

The word every in arabic carries the meaning majority
Prophet and companions understood it is not in an absolute manner.
However people assume that the prophetic meaning is general and start to consider it to be a sinner.

In the Quran and Arabic language, the word every means majority of things

For example in the sirah about punishment of people of Hud the ayat stated .... will destroy everything.....
but what was destryoed were houses of the disbelievers not mountains etc as well

Another example
in the story about Queen of Sheeba accepting religion of twheed from Sayyidina Sulayman Alaihi salam, the rough meaning of the ayat stated that she was given everything
but Sayyidina Sulayman Alaihi salam had the ability to control jinn and understood the language of animals but she didn't receive such gift,
therefore, the word every here means many many great gift, more than any other would normally receive

similarly the hadith of Sayyidina Muhammad S allallahu alaihi wa ahlihi every means majority

If a person repeatedly listens to this hadith over and over again, he could mistakenly understand that everything that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam did not do is wrong and will lead to Hell fire, but that is NOT so.

Sahabi Radhi Allahu anhum took the hadith from the mouth of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam and they also took the understanding of the hadith from him Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam.
But they were innovators themselves.

in Islam good practise which is followed, the innovator will receive reward for the practise and from all those who practise it after him without diminshing the rewards of those who do good.

(1) A person with an act of goodness even if Prophet Muhammad S allallahu alaihi wa ahlihi didn't do is considered praise worthy
Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam encourage in general all act of goodness

(2) miss this ------

(3) Sahabi took the understanding and hadith from Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam continued doing good and they themselves did praiseworthy innovation.

What are blame worthy innovations?
It is when a normal practise either daily or cultural is being incorporated to make it a religious practise.

Example from Imam Bukhari hadith :
Abu Israil a companion wanted to please Allah by way of active worship by not standing under a shade and vowed never to sit.
When Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam knew about this, he told the companions to tell this particular sahabah to stand in the shade and to sit down.
This is normal everyday recurrence that was tried to incorporated into a religious practise.This is blameworthy innovation

Allah in AlQuran instructed act of goodness and Sahabi and the later generations did many acts of goodness that Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam never did.

An example

Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam sent a group of sahabi under the leadership of one companion.Through out their journey and stay this particular leader lead the prayers and always recited Surah Ikhlas Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrb, Isya.And there was NO instruction from The Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam .
When they returned this was conveyed to Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam who questioned him why he did this. The sahabah said that it was because the Surah was about the descrpition of the attribute of Allah ArRahman The Most Merciful and the sahabah loved the surah because of this.
Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam said "Tell him his love will lead him to Jannah". Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam never said that this was blameworthy innovation but encouraged such act of goodness for the love of Allah.
This companion knew what was bidah but he also knew this was an act of goodness.

Likewise it is recorded in Imam Bukhari's collection of hadith that one companion prayed behind the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam.Each time the Prophet came out of rukuk this sahabi would say "Hamdan Toyyiban Mubarakan Fi".
After the prayer the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam asked 3 times before the sahabi answered it was him who did the zikr.
Rasulullah said I only asked because I saw 30 angels competing to write down the reward of your zikr.
If it was blameworthy innovation / bidah, Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam would have reprimanded it.But instead he did not and told about the rewards recorded by the angels.

Another example

One companion was going to be crucified , He asked if he could pray2 rakaat sunnah before that. He said he did it short because he didn't want the enemy to think he was afraid, otherwise he would have made a longer prayer.
When this was revealed to the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam, he said that the companion had done a good practise and encouraged such prayer. He did not say that the companion did bidah.

(Here Habib quoted a Quranic verse which I miss)

So we see that the sahabi who took the hadith and the understanding of the hadith from the mouth of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam always did goodness within the Prophetic revelation.

But we don't see them doing extra rakaat of zuhr prayer, or fasting in Ramadhan for 32 days. They knew what the hadith meant.

During the reign of Sayyidina Abu Bakr Radhi Allahu Anhu many hafiz died during the battle of Yammamah. Sayyidina Abu Bakr Radhi Allahu Anhu was afraid that the Quran would be lost from the Ummah.
He met Sayyidina Umar Radhi Allahu Anhu and said that there is a need to compile the Quran into a book. Sayyidina Umar responded that Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam did not do that. Sayyidina A Bakr said, it is as act of goodness,
Similar incident and respond with Sayyidina Uthman and Ubayy bin Kabb Radhi Allahu Anhum.
All the time Sayyidina A Bakr Radhi Allahu Anhu stressed that this was act of goodness.

Allah opened the heart of Sayyidina A Bakr Radhi Allahu Anhu to compile the Quran for future Ummah. It did not contradict the religion, but it facilitated people to worship Allah.

Same things with madrasah
There is no direct statement from Quran or Sunnah but it is an act of goodness

Masjid Nabawi originally was made of pebbles, palm leaves, bark of palm tree and the pulpit was from the palm tree.
We have changed the masjid but it is not blameworthy

Likewise the use of microphone during this lecture, Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam never used it. But it is an act of goodness that facilitate worship of Allah.

The beauty of this Deen is that there are many general goodness in the Light of Islam.

Example if a person decides to read Surah Ali Imran after Fajr everyday, someone hears about it and ask why he is doing it when Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam never did it.
Actually there is no basis to object because AlQuran is an intercessor for the person at Yaumul Qiyamah. It is good to read AlQuran. Maybe this person is not free to read AlQuran at other times.
The person who ask should facilitate act of goodness and active worship

Ayah Quran, Whatever Rasulullah ..........(missed this bit) take it, whatever he forbid from doing, avoid it

The verse said whatever he forbid, it did not say whatever RasulullahSallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam did not do

maybe sometimes what rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam did not do is not a practise of his people for example eating lizard. When he Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam was asked why not,he said it is not a practise of my people.

Sayyidina Uthman bin Affan Radhi Allahu anhu when he was the Amirul mu'minin he introduced 2 azan for Jumaah prayers so that there is benefit for more time when he saw that there are many people who had to come for Friday Prayers.

Sayyidina Uthman Radhi Allahu Anhu also introduce Labbaika wa sa'daika instaed of labbaikAllah only.
What he did were act of goodness.

Any good action that is not done by Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam
if anyone say it is bid'ah
and he means good innovation, he is correct
if he means linguistically from the point of view of language, he is correct
if he says it is astray, for certain he himslef is mistaken and should go back to understanding the AlQuran and the Sunnah

Door to goodness is always open.
By the statement of AlQuran and Sunnah of Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam the person who thinks one is astray is wrong to make that statement.

Be reminded that a person who introduces good action will be rewarded for his action and will receive the reward of those who follow his good action without minimising the reward each individual receives.

For example Imam-imam of this Ummah were inspired by Allah Subhanahu wa Taala to gather zikr and doa, certain amount and at certan time and they noticed certain benefits and gather people to recite this doa and zikr,
These Imams were not contradicting the religion of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala.

For example
Sahih Bukhari, contains gatherings of saying.s of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam. It puts things into order.From them derived book of knowledge, book of fasting, book of Hajj etc
Now we say it is authentic, but what is it,
It is narration of Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam to facilitate the religion

If Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam did an action only once, it is enough to instruct people to do that

For example Abdullah bin Abbas said he knew the congreagation prayers had finished when he hears zikr in a loud manner on his way to the masjid.

Another example one statement that Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam read qunut in fajr prayer till he die is enough evidence to practise qunut.

who does not know should hold back and not condemn
Condemn opens door to shaytan.
Hold back even if he feels strongly he is right
Don't go against the mannerism of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam. Condemn is not the right way to correct any practise

Generations after generation for 600 to 700 years from East to West Muslims had done that kind of practise. After generations and generations of people doing a particular practise, some people of present time try to stop such practise. Centuries after centuries from east to West people including learned scholars had good practises.
Only one scholar disagreed and thought people went astray and people nowadays start to take one scholar's opinion and behave in a certain manner.

For example for centuries from the 13th Hijra Muslims use to pray 20 rakaah of tarawih prayers, from masjid nabawi to masjidil haram and so on
Suddenly now people are saying we should go back to do 8 rakaah of tarawih.

Fuqaha/muhadittin/ulama of present days are misguided and hence people are also misguided.

Adorn one's self in Prophetic characteristic
Make doa that Allah show the truth as it is
and Allah shows falsehood as false.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Miracle of the prophets

Miracle of the prophets (13.01.07)
Habib Kadzim As-Saqqaf hafidzulLah

- All are the action of Allah. The action is just cause.. Allah can choose any means for His actions eg Sayidina Qatadah RadhiyaAllahu ‘anh whom rasululLahu sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam put his eyes back.
The other example is when RasululLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam threw sand at the enemy in the battle of Hunayn ‘wa ma ramaita iz ramaita walakinaAllahu rama.’

-Nothing is impossible if we focus that it is Allah’s action.
-Allah gave support to rasools (alayhimu salatu wassalam) to show that the deen is haq.

-We knew that all the objects that we consider inanimate have feelings eg in one occasion the people from banu Kindah came to RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam. Banu Kindah was well-known as sooth-sayers and they can predict the future. They left something behind in their village and they wanted to test RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam. They asked ‘what do we left?’. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam answered back ‘lastu bikahin (I’m not a sooth-sayer)’. They said ‘if you can’t proof you’re prophet by this, how can you proof you’re a prophet?’ RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam took stones in the masjid and in his hands the stone make tasbih clearly that everyone can hear. He placed it in the hand of Sayyidina Abu Bakr RadhiyaAllahu ‘anh and the stone continued making tasbih. He then placed it in the hand of Sayiddina Umar RadhiyaAllahu’anh and the stone continue.. A man from the tribe get the stone and immediately the stone stopped. As a consequence, everyone present became muslim.

-second example was the tree that cried when RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam was in his mimbar. All the sahabah can heard this. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam came down from mimbar and put his lip onto the stump. On one narration, he said ‘he missed the qur’an that was being recited.. another narration from Qadi Iyad whether he wants to become stump in jannah.
Hassan Al-basri used to say ‘Even the stump think have this yearning for RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam, what about you, O Mu’mineen?’

- In akhirat, there’s no cause and effect for eg in Jannah, if a man saw birds flying, he wants it in his heart, it will come as grilled for him. No cause and effect.

- Causes can sometime be manifest or hidden. Qatadah radhiyaAllahu ‘anh broke his sword and said ‘I have broken my sword’. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam called Qatadah radhiyaAllahu ‘anh and asked him to bring stick and he made it into sword.
Sometimes without asbab (reason). Eg Sayidinna Isa Alayhi al-Salaam born without a father.. he was created in one go. Immediately Sayidatina Maryam carried the child and give birth. The ayaat in the qur’an regarding this was connected using ‘fa’’ as opposed to ‘thumma’ ie immediately and not after or and then.

One of the miracles of RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam was he witnessed jannah as we’re seeing things on the screen. A sahabi saw naar and he moved backward from the jama’ah.

The biggest mu’jizat is qur’an and isra’ wal mi’raj which were not given to other rasool alayhimu salaatu wal-Salaam.

Qur’an is KalamulLah.

Isra’ is manifestation of Allah’s tajalli. Starting with ‘subhana’.. we have to stop our intellect and look. He sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam used beast ie buraq as a mean for us to contemplate.. Buraq had the speed of light (1st physical asbab in isra’).. 2nd: RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam was completely awake – if he’s asleep it is not a miracle. ~ It is a test for people’s iman.
RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam was asleep that night in Ummu hani’s house. He sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam woken from sleep, went to masjidil Haraam and drank zamzam there, and sleep in between 3 people. Sayidina Jibril came with Israfil. They pointed ‘he’s the one between the two’. Israfil woke him sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam up and said the buraw is waiting for you. The buraq is making lots of noises until - said ‘No one rides you better than this person’. Then, he raised his head in pride.

We have to contemplate.. why baitul maqdis? Ibnu hajar said the sky above quds there is a straight passage up

The distance in mi’raj: acc to Imam Ahmad bin Hambal 500years between earth and heaven.. within first heaven, we need rocket and even than we can’t reach the galaxy..

Sayidina Isa Alayhi Al-Salaam in 2nd heaven until he comes back to earth. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam shaked his hand and make du’a.
(the life of animal is akmal (more perfect) than the hayat of plant, and the life of human is akmal than the life of animal, and the life of malaikat is akmal than the life of human – Sayidina Isa Alayhi al-Salaam is in malaikat level now).

There was no distance between distance ie traveling so fast (miracle).

Sayidina Adam Alayhi al-Salaam looked right and he smiled, then he looked left and he became grim. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam asked why. Jibril answered when he looked right, he saw the arwah of his children going to heaven and when he looked left he saw the arwahs going somewhere else.

Sayidatina Khadijah RadhiyaAllahu ‘anha realized that RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam was gone. She went to search for him sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.. she went to zamzam and saw Sayidina Abbas radhiyaAllahu ‘anh was sleeping in the haraam.. She was searching for him.

RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam wanted to see Jibril in his angelic form.. and Sayidina Jibril instructed him sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam to meet him in the hira’. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam fainted. In spite of this, Sayidina Jibril can’t go further in Mi’raj. Allah praised in Surah Najm.


Key to mercy of Allah is adaab with Allah especially the masjid (Allah’s house).

Hadith Al-Harithah: slept in masjid. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam asked, ‘kaifa asbahta? (how is your morning)’’asbahtu mu’minan haqqa. As if I can see the jannah, naar..
The state of our prayer should be AS IF you’re seeing Allah.

Our heart will be disturbed if we understand the qur’an differently from RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.

Allah deflects one who is arrogance from the haqaiq of deen.

We are in the state of ibadah in the masjid if we give honour to what Allah have made ta’zim. We can feel it in the heart. ‘Nawaitul I’tikaf’ is just a mere intention but if the heart did it because wanting the redha of Allah, we will get the reward because of the intention in the heart.

Outwardly, some masjid are more beautiful than other but there is no different for Allah.

The main sunnah of entering a masjid: 1) right feet 2) I’tikaf 3) tahiyatul masjid. These are the haq of our deen. All these sunnahs is like you’re being given a key but you’re not using it. .
We’re in the masjid and we’re Allah’s guest. One reception from Allah in jannah everytime we go to masjid.
Habib quoted a hadith from Abu Ya’la about one who go to fard is like umrah…
‘Innama ya’muru masjid man yu’minu bilLahi’

‘Man alifa fil masjid, tabasybasyahu lLah’
Sayidina Abu Bakr RadhiyaAllahu ‘anh while in his khilafah was injured by kuffar. He built a mosque in the middle of his house in the garden because of his heart attachment to the masjid.
Tabasybasy = when family welcome and smiled at you.
Alifa : goes to mosque
1) go & return
2) habituated
3) ya’muru bil masjid

Three glad tidings for people whose attached to the masjid:
1) if they are sick, angels come and visit them
2) if they want to make dunya affair, malaikat will go first to help him
3) if they died, malaikat wait them.

Allah praised people for their attribute eg muhsineen, matatahireen

RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam get all these khususan eg speaking to angels or dead peoples and as part of the eeman we have to believe in these. Otherwise iman is not complete..
RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam can see clearly things at his back as clear as his front.
Forgiveness of sin past and future is special to RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.

Reciting 10X surat al-ikhlas after prayer ~ a palace in jannah

The qudrat of ruh is the same as qudrat of jism. In Isra’, RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam salam to all the previous prophets even they were dead. And lead them in solat. “Ar-ruhu min amrilLah”. The prophets were shown in physical person to RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.
All the rasuls were placed in the heaven according to our connection to them. Eg the first heaven is Sayidina Adam alayhi Al-Salaam = he’s the father to us. In the 2nd heaven is Sayidina Isa Alayhi Al-Salaam who will come down on white minaret in Damascus. 3rd heaven Sayidina Yusuf alayhi al-Salaam as we will enter jannah in his appearance. 4th heaven Sayidina Musa alayhi al-Salaam because of the benefit we had from him in reducing the solat. In 7th heaven Sayidina Ibrahim ALayhi al-Salaam.

In the Mi’raj RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam heard the writing of pen. Pen was the first thing created by Allah.

In the qur’an “Kaifa khuliqat” “kaifa banainaha” ie we have to cotemplate not on the measure but on the creation. As contemplation can increase iman.

Nabi RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam saw Allah but Nabi Musa Alayhi al-Salam “rabbi arinii andzur ilaik” he fainted.

Whenever you said from the depth of your heart, this will take you closer to Allah eg when you drink and say AlhamdulilLah.

Reflection leads to strengthen iman that leads to certainty that leads to witnessing ~ we can see beyond walls.

In jannah, the similarity of things in this dunya are only in names. Jannah have 8 gates and one of the door is called babul farah.

When RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam came back, he was so happy.. with tears in his eyes.. the first person he met was Abu Jahl. And one person bring his people, some people became muslim and some people apostate: big test before hijrah ~ knew who was muslim and who was not.
The distance from mekkah to Masjidil Aqsa was more than a month travel, but when questioned.. Allah brought Masjid Al-Aqsa so that RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam can describe about it and he saw the masjid clearly as he can see the house of Aqil bin Abi Talib.
And the caravan was delayed because the lead camel broke its leg when it saw buraq.

Da’watul Hal a’dzam min da’watul kalaam
Da’watul fi’il a’dzam min da’watul kalam.

1) Those who are still alive today is ‘nadzinin instead of ‘khuld’ ie delayed until the end of time
2) To become awliya is khalli wa ta’alli = leave and take. Leave bad characteristic and adopt the character of RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam for eg leave anger take forbearance. Stick to adzkaar.
3) Wudhu’ must be done with hudr ‘Hudruk fi qalbi a’dzam min hudruk fil fi’il. No rushing. Approach the solat from mi’raj point and miftah with wudhu’. Sayidina Ali Zaynal Abideen (RahmatulLahu ‘alayh) – pillars fell in masjid and he’s still praying.
Sayidina Urwah bin Zubair (radhiyaAllahu ‘anh) have gangrene and was amputated during his solah.
Don’t make solat become adapt for eg Subhana Rabiyal a’la ~ heard what you say with your heart! Find time on your own and reflect what you’re saying.
4) Regarding going to graveyard: Someone came to Sayidatina Aisyah RadhiyaAllahu ‘anha during the time of draught. She said make an opening on the ceiling above the grave of RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam. The cloud came above his grave and rain came down until it became year of wealth.
Bilal Al-Harithi at the time of Sayidina Umar radhiyaAllahu ‘anh went to RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam’s grave to ask for help. He slept and RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam came in his dream and said go to Umar and pray istisqa’. He went to Sayidina Umar RadhiyaAllahu ‘anh and told him. Sayidina Umar asked him, really? He cried and prayed istisqa’. A hadith on ‘have taqwa in Allah and seek the mean’ which include this.
5) Women can be attached to masjid by
a) going whenever possible ‘fatradada ‘alaih’
b) teach the children the importance of masjid
c) ask Allah to give a reality to have a heart that is attached to the masjid.
6) istidraj= Dajjal came and raised people from dead ~ It is shaytaan who come with the face of dead person. People get confused because they don’t have the knowledge of this hadith. 40 days. People will see mountains and rivers and he says this is jannah and mountain of fire which is actually garden. He will enter every single city.
7) What is reveled during mi’raj “fa awha laka ma awha” is more than what we knew.
8) Help of angels can still happen now eg in Badar, the angels came wearing green turban and in Hunayn black turban. They cut the neck and wrist, wrist so that it’s easier to capture them. Abu Yasar said he captured Al-Abbas who is very big in stature and voice can be heard from miles away. Angle came from 4 angles.
9) The only reason why wali have miracles is because of them following the sunnah of RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.

Al-hikam 24, 25, 26

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