1.Fil badani
-Show off feel for akhirah - sadness ect
- show off doing ibadah eg feel tired
-show off zakah e.g.tell paid so much last month to pakistan when asked to donate again
No one is aking how much you donated last month but feels need to tell
2.With clothing and appearance
- make hair rough
-shaving moustache
-rough clothing
different level appearance
e.g.going to see shuyukh, dress suitable for majlis but dress differently for duniya people- clothing to b percieved well
3.With saying
- teaching - for praise of people
- zikr -moving lips
when people around,move lips but people dont know what we r reading
the wholepoint is do youmove your lips when not amongst people
-memorise ect -not to please Allah but to overcome argument
argument to seek truth.not seek victor
NOt to ridicule
must be concerned to look for truth
Whoever seeks path to acquire knowledge, Allah makepath for Jannah for them
but some people seek Jahannam if not for sake of pleasing Creator
Need to acquire scholarshipto please Creator
- amal maaruf nahil anil mungkar only when people around
-improve recitation of Quran when people around
-students of hadith show off they know hadith sahih/hasan ect
i.e wants to be known that they know
4.With deed/action
- in prayer,prolong sujud/rukuk ect when in the masjid in front of others
but dont do it when alone
same with saum/hajj
5.With companions/people you know
- -invite/gather with poeple of certain status
- wants to be known of being around people of status
Darajah/ Level of riya'
1. Not seeking reward at all
deed even the inception not for Creator
mainly to please creation
e.g.pray without wudhu
sadaqah for fear of people....give because people know he has money
Creator's pleasure not a motive... its the environmental pressure
2. He wants thawab/reward but....
- will for reward not as strong as doing for the pleasure of the Creator
-so much so that wont do it when poeple not there
- Imam Ghazali says.... same level as 1
where by deed not void of sins
3.Wants reward from Allah but showing off to people is equal
Imam Ghazali said - like someone who builds and destroys what he builds
maybe he gain rewards and sins....equalises
4. Genuine about reward form Allah
but when people look,motivates him
Hadith Qudsi: I am One who is not in need of association/shirk
either equal or riya destroys the deed
1.Fil badani
-Show off feel for akhirah - sadness ect
- show off doing ibadah eg feel tired
-show off zakah e.g.tell paid so much last month to pakistan when asked to donate again
No one is aking how much you donated last month but feels need to tell
2.With clothing and appearance
- make hair rough
-shaving moustache
-rough clothing
different level appearance
e.g.going to see shuyukh, dress suitable for majlis but dress differently for duniya people- clothing to b percieved well
3.With saying
- teaching - for praise of people
- zikr -moving lips
when people around,move lips but people dont know what we r reading
the wholepoint is do youmove your lips when not amongst people
-memorise ect -not to please Allah but to overcome argument
argument to seek truth.not seek victor
NOt to ridicule
must be concerned to look for truth
Whoever seeks path to acquire knowledge, Allah makepath for Jannah for them
but some people seek Jahannam if not for sake of pleasing Creator
Need to acquire scholarshipto please Creator
- amal maaruf nahil anil mungkar only when people around
-improve recitation of Quran when people around
-students of hadith show off they know hadith sahih/hasan ect
i.e wants to be known that they know
4.With deed/action
- in prayer,prolong sujud/rukuk ect when in the masjid in front of others
but dont do it when alone
same with saum/hajj
5.With companions/people you know
- -invite/gather with poeple of certain status
- wants to be known of being around people of status
Darajah/ Level of riya'
1. Not seeking reward at all
deed even the inception not for Creator
mainly to please creation
e.g.pray without wudhu
sadaqah for fear of people....give because people know he has money
Creator's pleasure not a motive... its the environmental pressure
2. He wants thawab/reward but....
- will for reward not as strong as doing for the pleasure of the Creator
-so much so that wont do it when poeple not there
- Imam Ghazali says.... same level as 1
where by deed not void of sins
3.Wants reward from Allah but showing off to people is equal
Imam Ghazali said - like someone who builds and destroys what he builds
maybe he gain rewards and sins....equalises
4. Genuine about reward form Allah
but when people look,motivates him
Hadith Qudsi: I am One who is not in need of association/shirk
either equal or riya destroys the deed
1.Bil ibadah and iman
worst kind bil iman .....munafiq
He believes in Allah and Deen etc but riya in ibadah
Has wrath of Allah thou he may be a muslim
2.No riya in ibadah/iman/fard
but riya in sunnah
e.g.siyam on Mondays and Thursdays
avois condemn and wants to be praised
Allah knows
Imam Ghazali :Fear condemnation of people more than fear of Allah
protect himself from punishment of people and expose himself punishment of people
3. In the act of worship
e.g. make solat better in presence of people
This is how shaytan comes to you
- tells u r protecting people from ghiba more than u r proptecting u from perfecting your prayer
4, Fool people e.g. thief goes to masjid to pray
e.g. Sayyidina umar Radhi Allahu anhu was asked about a man
he said have u travelled with him?Deal dinar with him? perhaps you just saw him praying in the masjid? Go ! you do not know him
Imam ghazali: Most distant people of riya to Allah
uses path to Allah to facilitate sinning wa iya zubillah
Sayyidina Ali Karamallahu Wajhah
"AlKhaliq is so great in those people that everything else is insignificant to them"
If you look at things this way....
U answer yourself
Allah accepts the PURE
Allah accepts taqwa but have to be PURE then acceptance
Condition 1.PURITY 2. TAQWA
Pray the way HE wants you to pray
not the way you want to pray
May not make a difference now
Tell yourself internally e.g.I am fasting, I should be patient
not to tell people
Do not void your sadaqah by doing harmful things
the most important is the smallest in front of you
Our problem, we have separated tongue from the heart and detached
need to move heart
but even in this actions, our heart persist in sinning
AlKhaliq not observed therefore no muraqabah
Hadith Jibrail.....an ta' budallah
worship Allah as though you see Him
if you do ihsan---what do you expect......ihsan from Allah
Hal jaza ul ihsan illa ihsan
by zikr of Allah the heart will be at peace
If no sukun after zikr, means - zikr void of ihsan/muraqabah
This is a resultant of no toma'ninah and sukun in zikr
Doa Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam....Oh Allah I am seeking Hajj to you with no riya'
Current illness of ummah... brand of hajj clothes, with clips etc
If you are rich, by all means buy the good ones
but dont FOCUS on brand
Leave duniya and go akhirah
Like ant that eats woods....wood will rotten.... pillar will crash
Likewise riyah will spoil deeds
Solah important
be careful.no ostentaciousness
Prolong your prayer, but both in masjid and at home
Tahajjud...habitual, not just group gathering at ramadhan
Do for Allah, dont tell anyone
e.g in akhirah there will be those we cant find and when we ask Allah where is fulan bin fulan
Answer I have secretly sent him to Jannah
because he used to worshipme secretly
Point is to face and give yourself to Allah
AsShafii: must have khusuk in all action/rukun of solah, minimum all your limbs are silent for a moment
Remember your ibadah can be for or against you
Akhirah is close, but we are always denial, not me
However insan... yansi... forgets
Death... when it comes cant delay or put ahead of schedule
Ikhlas... no riya
Lillahi robbil alamin
Doa iftitah... inna solati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamati
my solat, my struggle, my life, my death
Seek pleasure of Allah and spread sunnah
even a little knowledge is good/enough for this purpose
purify deeds... time is running out
it may turn totally opposite
What's for you and what's against you?
Intention by itself can ruin your deed
Please Allah
Event of people of Bustan.... evidence that niyyah was enough for Allah's wrath
(father had a farm and used to feed the needy, when he died children wanted to stop feeding them Next morning they woke up,whole farm was burnt)
If you do pious deed, Allah preserve your deed!!
Surah kahaf, point is wa abu huma soliha
Father was pious
Sayyidina Khidr rebuild zidar/wall
Allah willed they grow up and find treasure because their father was pious
How to be pious
wal asr..... aa'milus solihat (pious deeds)
Start right but then you feel you are swaying from your niyyah and feels riya as you are doing deed
Good -alarm ON
Go and correct niyyah
How about if we leave something becoz of people?
If deed is associated with something else, spoils deed
Make it a habit
Good exmaple
Umar AlKhattab
went out with intention to kill the best of creation
but became a muslim
and one of the best
Pre requisite...IKHLAS
He was seeking turth and submit when he found it
Concept of showing off to your ownself
Most improtant
So much so that your heart is a dead meat
Ujub Iblis
use to worship and figures because of worship Allah owes him something
Malaikah didnt ask is he better than us or are we better
but question as they will sin and cause blood shed
Allah : I know what you dont know
but not for iblis
If you like to be forgiven then forgive
Hadith sahih:
Mala yarham la yurham
Who is not merciful wont have mercy upon him
Rigid outlook because of arrogance
Due to emptiness
My mazhab is better than yours, my tariqah is better than your etc... when do we stop
When do we realise WE ALL BELONG TO ALLAH
The husk when full, ---- bow down
when empty-----upright
Fi janatil aliyah kutufuha aniyah
To go to Jannah is high but the fruit is low because it is filled (bow down)
The closer to Allah the more humble
One whom Master the knowledge is more humble
the one with most knowledge yet the most humble is Rasulullah Salllahu alayhi wa aalihi wa salam