CHAPTER 2 (on intention) 17.02.07, 18.09.11
The intention of study (Imam Haddad) ~ tazakur wa tazakir: sometimes we can hear the same thing, but something struck for example Syeikh Talal said about salatul awwabin (those who return when people forget). Twice mentioned: solat duha and solatul awwabin (baynal isya'ain - not necessary after maghrib, maybe before isya') rewards: 12 years of solah
~dalalata 'alal khayr - dalil = indicate, sign
Intention: general, niyaat synonym with a few words
- mayl: inclination, leaning on something
- qasad: direction and intention, direct yourself (general, for eg. I want to go to Mekah, not the legal niyah when you put the ihram on)
- himmah: inspiration, something that drive you, passion, desire, eg, if I have money, I’ll spend it on charity (key word = if)
- himmah daniyah:
- azam: firm conviction, determination
- iradah: want, desire, will (think every single time what RasuluLlahi sallaLLahu 'alayhi wasallam inclined to, what he wants)
- hajiz is concern, something enters the heart (habib ahmad b zayn al-habsyi - hajiz huwa asal, origin, beginning of inetntion) the seeds that were thrown in heart which grow
- an-niyah ruhul ‘amal kal ruh lil jasad. like the rain to the earth
- measure of intention: depends on the aspiration whether it’s high or low. The hadith innamal a’mal... the measure of any intention whether it’s good or bad is by checking whether it is towards the next world or this world. Even when people exercise, outwardly it is the same but the intention is what make the act gets rewards.
- Ibnu Hajar said boxing is haram because the purpose is to hit people's face. He forbids watching and involving oneself in boxing.
- islah: virtuous, correct, to repair
- ikhlas: make it pure, directed towards
- ‘ innama a’mal..’ Imam Syafi’e: ⅓ of deen. (1/3 is intention, ⅓ is vocal and ⅓ physical action). Imam Ahmad bin Hambal: knowledge is based on 3 hadith
Abu Dawood read 500,000 hadith and collected 4800 hadith for his Sunan, he can compiled it to 4 hadith.
Innama: lil hasyr = only limited to; nothing else important
another narration, didn’t have innama
- wherever your journey to Allah is, you will find Him
- will an act be counted if it has no intention; it can be laghwi, waste or play. However, the time will be take into account.
- If one pray asar with the intention of Asar, but he said Zohor, it is valid because the intention is what is in the heart.
- If you become lazy in your ibadah, think of the reward: this will take you forward
- If your eyes started wandering and looking at haraam thing: have fear of Allah.
- Hadith: intention of a believer is better than his action (niyatul mu'min khayrun min 'amalihi). Someone asked about sadaqah jariyah. He knew of a well that muslim pass by. He indicated for people to buy. A muslim went to buy it but a jewish person has already bought it and sold the water to people. He came back to tell RasuliLlah salaLlahu 'alayhi wasallam and he said the above hadith.
- Syeikh Ali Bin Abu Bakr As-Sakran before going out of his house, always write down all his intentions.
- According to Syhrul ‘ainiyah, Habib Ahmad bin Zain Al-habsyi.. and of the good intention, have many of them, be sincere and beware be vigilant and have fear
- Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar wrote a letter to S. Umar bin Abdul Aziz saying ‘the assistance of Allah to slave depends on his intention. Whoever perfects his intention, Allah perfects His assistance to him.’ (Allah fi 'auni abdi ma tamat niyatahu). - He is the son of AbdulLah ibnu Umar, who's when he's 11 years old knew the answer for RasuliLlah salaLlahu 'alayhi wasallam's question: Once Allah's Apostle said, "Amongst the trees there is a tree, the leaves of which do not fall and is like a Muslim, tell me the name of that tree." Everybody started thinking about the trees of the desert areas and I thought of the date-palm tree but felt shy (to answer). The others asked, "O Allah's Apostle! inform us of it." He replied, "it is the date-palm tree." I told my father what had come to my mind and on that he said, "Had you said it I would have preferred it to such and such a thing that I might possess." (Sahih Bukhari)
- The sunnah is when we are travelling to somewhere important, he will take the shortest route and the quickest mean.
- The intention can be measured to our response on a situation eg. if someone make us angry on the road and we swear - it becomes fasida (spoiled, corrupt, not true intention)
saliha (pure intention) is when we smile and not angry even we are facing difficult situation. When he salaLlahu 'alayhi wasallam been treated badly, zadahu bil hilmi
- Imam Haddad: all the foundation is in the first paragraph like Riyadatul Saliheen - easier to understand. For eg zakat in Sahih Bukhari on camel and gold but not gold. In Riyadul saliheen, zakat is on one hadith on camel..
Ratabahu = applied to Him, assigned
The intention of study (Imam Haddad) ~ tazakur wa tazakir: sometimes we can hear the same thing, but something struck for example Syeikh Talal said about salatul awwabin (those who return when people forget). Twice mentioned: solat duha and solatul awwabin (baynal isya'ain - not necessary after maghrib, maybe before isya') rewards: 12 years of solah
~dalalata 'alal khayr - dalil = indicate, sign
Intention: general, niyaat synonym with a few words
- mayl: inclination, leaning on something
- qasad: direction and intention, direct yourself (general, for eg. I want to go to Mekah, not the legal niyah when you put the ihram on)
- himmah: inspiration, something that drive you, passion, desire, eg, if I have money, I’ll spend it on charity (key word = if)
- himmah daniyah:
- azam: firm conviction, determination
- iradah: want, desire, will (think every single time what RasuluLlahi sallaLLahu 'alayhi wasallam inclined to, what he wants)
- hajiz is concern, something enters the heart (habib ahmad b zayn al-habsyi - hajiz huwa asal, origin, beginning of inetntion) the seeds that were thrown in heart which grow
- an-niyah ruhul ‘amal kal ruh lil jasad. like the rain to the earth
- measure of intention: depends on the aspiration whether it’s high or low. The hadith innamal a’mal... the measure of any intention whether it’s good or bad is by checking whether it is towards the next world or this world. Even when people exercise, outwardly it is the same but the intention is what make the act gets rewards.
- Ibnu Hajar said boxing is haram because the purpose is to hit people's face. He forbids watching and involving oneself in boxing.
- islah: virtuous, correct, to repair
- ikhlas: make it pure, directed towards
- ‘ innama a’mal..’ Imam Syafi’e: ⅓ of deen. (1/3 is intention, ⅓ is vocal and ⅓ physical action). Imam Ahmad bin Hambal: knowledge is based on 3 hadith
Abu Dawood read 500,000 hadith and collected 4800 hadith for his Sunan, he can compiled it to 4 hadith.
Innama: lil hasyr = only limited to; nothing else important
another narration, didn’t have innama
- wherever your journey to Allah is, you will find Him
- will an act be counted if it has no intention; it can be laghwi, waste or play. However, the time will be take into account.
- If one pray asar with the intention of Asar, but he said Zohor, it is valid because the intention is what is in the heart.
- If you become lazy in your ibadah, think of the reward: this will take you forward
- If your eyes started wandering and looking at haraam thing: have fear of Allah.
- Hadith: intention of a believer is better than his action (niyatul mu'min khayrun min 'amalihi). Someone asked about sadaqah jariyah. He knew of a well that muslim pass by. He indicated for people to buy. A muslim went to buy it but a jewish person has already bought it and sold the water to people. He came back to tell RasuliLlah salaLlahu 'alayhi wasallam and he said the above hadith.
- Syeikh Ali Bin Abu Bakr As-Sakran before going out of his house, always write down all his intentions.
- According to Syhrul ‘ainiyah, Habib Ahmad bin Zain Al-habsyi.. and of the good intention, have many of them, be sincere and beware be vigilant and have fear
- Salim bin Abdullah bin Umar wrote a letter to S. Umar bin Abdul Aziz saying ‘the assistance of Allah to slave depends on his intention. Whoever perfects his intention, Allah perfects His assistance to him.’ (Allah fi 'auni abdi ma tamat niyatahu). - He is the son of AbdulLah ibnu Umar, who's when he's 11 years old knew the answer for RasuliLlah salaLlahu 'alayhi wasallam's question: Once Allah's Apostle said, "Amongst the trees there is a tree, the leaves of which do not fall and is like a Muslim, tell me the name of that tree." Everybody started thinking about the trees of the desert areas and I thought of the date-palm tree but felt shy (to answer). The others asked, "O Allah's Apostle! inform us of it." He replied, "it is the date-palm tree." I told my father what had come to my mind and on that he said, "Had you said it I would have preferred it to such and such a thing that I might possess." (Sahih Bukhari)
- The sunnah is when we are travelling to somewhere important, he will take the shortest route and the quickest mean.
- The intention can be measured to our response on a situation eg. if someone make us angry on the road and we swear - it becomes fasida (spoiled, corrupt, not true intention)
saliha (pure intention) is when we smile and not angry even we are facing difficult situation. When he salaLlahu 'alayhi wasallam been treated badly, zadahu bil hilmi
- Imam Haddad: all the foundation is in the first paragraph like Riyadatul Saliheen - easier to understand. For eg zakat in Sahih Bukhari on camel and gold but not gold. In Riyadul saliheen, zakat is on one hadith on camel..
Ratabahu = applied to Him, assigned
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