
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Khasais Kubra

Al-Khasâis al-Kubra by al-Imâm Jalâludîn al-Suyûti RahmatulLahu ‘alayh.

- When did Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa alihi wassalam use his ring? When he wrote letters to Persians and Romans as a seal ~ he modified the method he relay the message Sallahu ‘alayhi wa alhi wassalam.

- Mutawatir is when it originates from different sources but have the same narration eg. the attack of elephants in the Year of Elephant. It came from two different sources and Allah relayed in the Al-Qur’an in Surah Al-Feel.

- Definition of hadith sahih: rigorously authenticated; one which has a continuous isnad, made up of reporters of trustworthy memory from similar authorities, and which is found to be free from any irregularities (i.e. in the text) or defects (i.e. in the isnad)
Definition of hadith hasan: a hadith which is not Shadhdh (no irregularities), nor contains a disparage reporter in its isnad, and which is reported through more than one route of narration.

- Muntajasima are anthropomorphist and they attributed human character to Allah (Exalted is He).

- Abu Na’im Al-Isfahani was from Persia (Isfahan). His name is Ahmad bin Abdullah and he was a syafi’e and asy’ari. He lived for 94 years (336 AH – 430 AH). His first teacher was his own grandfather and his father was a muhadith who travelled widely to collect ahadith (He was obsessed with collecting ahadith and was called hufadz (100 hadith, biography, chain, rawayatain memorized)). Abu Na’im became a scholar and al-hafidz when he was just 10 years old. He received ijazah on hadith even as far as Uzbekistan and had the shortest chain of hadith unknown to people at that time. Abu Bakar Al-Khatib (rahmatulLahu ‘alayh) said only two person can have the title of hufadz and he is one of them. Ibnu Taymiyah said that he is the greatest of hufadzul hadith.

- Al-Hakim narrated on the authority of Salman Al-Farisi, it was relayed from Abdul Mutalib on one of his journey to Syria (rihlatal syita’, rihalatal sayf was to Yemen in wintertime) that they stayed with some jewish scholars. One of the people of Zabur (psalms of David) said to him who is this man?
He is from Quraisy.
From which quraisy?
From Hisyam.
Would you allow me to see his body?
Of course, as long as it’s not my awrah.
He looked into my nostril and he can see kingship. He looked into the other and he can see something of Bani Zuhrah.
Do you have a wife from Banu Zuhrah?
At that moment, he was not married to the lady from Bani Zuhrah yet.

- The story of Abrahah:

- Hassan bin Thabit RadhiyaAllahu ‘anhu became muslim when he was 60 years old. He passed away when he was 120 years old. He was only a child when Rasul Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa alihi wassallam was born. A particular tribe of jews gathered and cried as they can see that the star of Ahmad had risen. It was on the 12th of Rabi’ul Awwal in the Year of Elephant.

- Related by Imam Bayhaqi, Tabrani and Muslim that light was emanating from Sayidatina Aminah (this was before he was born). She could see the palace of Bosra.

- When he was born, he bowed down his head, and Syifa’ (mother of Abdul Rahman ibnu ‘auf RadhiyaAllahu ‘anhum) held him Sallallahu ‘alayhi wa alihi wassallam and she saw the light. She said she is the first believer.

- The Ka’bah shook and idols fell on their faces (narrated by Abu Nu’aym).

- On the night, the sorcerer and magicians had veil and they could not talk to jinns.

- Sayidatina Amina did not have pain during childbirth.

- Further reading: Dalail Al-Nubuwa Imam Bayhaqi.

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