
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Risalatul Mu'awana intro 08/05, 1/11/09 (p2), 13/12/09, 4/6/11 (p3)

- Habib Ali HafizahuLlah said read Book of Assistance as group of individuals as hearts become firmer, it will bring bond of love and love for Allah.
Habib Umar HafizahuLLah: make sure you are never calling to an individual except RasuluLlah sallaLlahu alayhi wasallam. Don't call to people and make differentiation in the community.
- traditional islam: recognising the pious predecessor, recognising their sacrifice. Wisdom, fair exhortation - qur'an and sunnah (don't go on side issues). When someone asked Habib Ahmad RahmatuLLahi 'alayh to give a talk, he said 'khuz min bukhari' 3x
- call to the Qur'an with the method of sunna

- true 'ulama: felicity written for them. inheritor from the prophet from two ahadith.
Abud-Dardaa (radyAllaahu ‘anhu) reported: “I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) say: ‘Whoever treads a path due to which he seeks knowledge, Allaah will make him tread one of the paths towards Paradise. And the angels lower their wings out of contentment for the seeker of knowledge. And verily all those in the heavens and in the earth, even the fish in the depths of the sea ask forgiveness for the scholar. And verily, the virtue of the scholar over the worshipper is like the virtue of the moon on the night of Al-Badr over all of the stars. Indeed, the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets, for the prophets do not leave behind a dinar or a dirham for inheritance, but rather, they leave behind knowledge. So whoever takes hold of it, has acquired a large share (i.e. of inheritance).’” 

 ‘The scholars are the inheritors of the prophets?’ The prophets do not leave behind any inheritance except knowledge, and the knowledge of our Prophet r is his Sunnah. So whoever is deprived of learning it is not from the inheritors of the prophets.”

- (Qul - command to rasulilLlah salaLlahu 'alayhi wasallam, x11:108)
- taba'ni = one after the next. if we don't take it from tabi'een then we might have outward Islam.
can't pass knowledge except correct imitation of the generation before 'husni ittiba'. 'wa man tabi'ani' = chain from RasuluLlah salaLlahu 'alayhi wasallam.

Imaam Ibn Seereen (rahimahullaah) said: 'Indeed, This knowledge Is Deen, So Look To The One You Take Your Deen From

- Amma ba'du: first one who say amma ba'du is S Hasyim, the orrator of Quraisy. He'll praise Allah in Ka'bah and said amma ba'du.
S Hasyim - established himself as the leader of Quraisy, hence Arab. In the time of Jesus, leader of Arab is Adnan. S Hasyim can give speeches in pure arabic.

- faqir = pauper,poor servant. from latin; poor, english; under poor law - poor people under the parish, implies dependency
origin - radia - low, poor quality, one who lower themselves, humble, don't have enough to support dependant.
'antumul fuqara ilaLlah': being in need
'khuliqal insanu dhaifa'
Syeikh related the story of a king who is travelling in his land. He saw a man sitting under a tree after working hard. He was singing,'water and bread and shade.. this is the ultimate in blessings'. The king was troubled hearing this. The next day, he asked his servant to bring the man and the man asked him 'would you give half of your kingdom if you are thirsty?'..... everything you have is not more valuable than a glass of water and a glass of urine'.
- du'a mukhul ibadah: should be in total need eg du'a istisqa' (rain prayer)
“O Allah, make me fear You as if I see You, make me happy with my being pious to You, do not make me wretched by Your disobedience, choose for me the best of Your decrees, and bless Your fate to me so that I may not like to hasten what You have delayed, or to delay what You have hastened, and make my richness be in my soul.” Al-Mu’jam al-Awsat, vol. 6 p. 121
rewards: 'yadkhulu fuqara' before aghniya' to Jannah one day ie 500 years. Related by Imam Bukhari on the chapter of Fadhlul Fuqara', Ibnu Majah in the chapter of 'Station for destitute'. He said which means: "I saw Paradise (in laylatul isra') and I saw many residents are fuqara '(the poor) and I look to the Fire, I saw many residents are women." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

- mu'tarif = confessing. In church, once a year. Apparently from Prophet Jesus and say to the apostle - breath your confession. Confession in Islam = faqir. 
That's why the dars finish with Ya Rabbana'tarafna... 'Innama yakhsyaAllahu 'ulama'
Ya Rabbi Ya 'alimal Haal, Qad kafani - admitting your state, then we can move foward.
Sayyidul istighfar (Bukhari): abu'u laka = i'tiraf, wa'taraftu zanbi 

- 'afwa = wind in the desert, wipe out all traces

- sharif = linguistically: top of the mountain, someone top in the community

- jama'a = gathers together

- if someone saw something wrong in the community and not change it, I'm afraid that Allah will punish the whole community

- mau'izatul hasana = methodology, style and approach applicable to community. Hikma - AlQur'an. Mau'izoh - Hadith

- some knowledge are more relevant now eg travelling from sunset to sunrise in one day. eg when fitna come to masjid, stay in the house (fighting in the masjid, pray at home)

Ibn ‘Adi mentions a hadith that the Prophet, peace upon him, said:
Should I not inform you of the most generous of all? Allah is the most generous of all, and I am the most generous of humanity. After me the most generous person is a man who learns something beneficial and disseminates it. He will be resurrected on the Day of Ressurection as an individual nation. Likewise, is a man who gives his life in the way of Allah. (Ibn ‘Adi, al-Kamil, 1:350). A teacher will have generousity and love to their students and have smile on their face.

Allahumma alhimni rusydi,. Wa a'izni min syarri nafsi.(protection from big and small shirk)

- Imam Haddad use the word you for 1) for himself 2) to sadah 3) to us

- taubikh = threat, big deep warning, slap on the wrist.(2:44)  Ata'murunan Naasa bil birr = istifham altaubikh. do you not expecting answer. Asbabun nuzul: bani nadir, one of the in-law became muslim. The Jewish said 'yes, you are in good religion and you should be steadfast'.
Afala ta'qiloon 
1) animal: aqala = put rope in the neck, take control and ride on it. According to traditional tafseer: Albagahawi etc - do you not restrain the beast?
2) do you not understand?

"A man will be brought on the Day of Resurrection and thrown into the Fire.  Then his entrails will be spilled out into the Fire (his reality will be manifested) and he will be forced to walk around and around like a donkey in a treadmill.  The people of Hell will gather around him and say, ‘O so-and-so, what is wrong with you?  Did you not enjoin us to do good and forbid us to do wrong?’  He will say, ‘I used to order you to do good, but I did not do it and I used to forbid you to do evil, but I used to do it myself.’  Then he will walk around and around like a donkey in a treadmill." Sahih Bukhari, sahih muslim

-  the scholars who knows but not act upon it is like candle...
- (asyaddu in Day of Judgement are scholars, tabrani, bayhaqi)
- Abu Darda': 'waylun liman lam ya'lamu mar'ah wa waylun liman 'alima but not act upon it 1000 times. Wayl = valley in Jahannam
-(Tustari: all people are in drunkedness except 'ulama, every 'ulama are confused except those who act on their knowledge)

- From Bidayatul Hidayah, read the text, here I point to the beginning of guidance (Qabiltu isyarah), accepting the book is the beginning of the path. Habib Umar HafizahuLlah said the beginning is bidayah and the inayah is ihya'.
3 types of students of knowledge
1) Rajulun Talibul Ilm who take knowledge as mean so that he has provision for next world and countenance of His Lord = successful. no other desire except for the next world.
2) Rajulun who seeks benefits in this world, status and wealth, and he knows this and he is in danger. Perhaps, he should fear for su'ul khatimah. If he did tawbah and start acting with what he knew, tahaquq bil faizeen because those who repent from sin are like someone who didn't have sin at all.
3) The one syaitan tricked and overwhelmed him, goes out to make living out of knowledge and he wants to be proud of it (tafakkhur) - boasting how many followers he had, wear sign of 'ulama and he speaks like 'ulama, means to gather wealth, minal halikeen, forgotten ' lima taqooloo ma la taf'aloon.'
Abu Dhar said, "I was with the Prophet (SAW) one day and I heard him saying: "There is something I fear for my Ummah than the Dajjal." It was then that I became afraid, so I said: "Oh Rasool Allah! Which thing is that?" He (SAW) said; "Misguided and astray scholars." [Musnad Ahmad (5/145) No. 21334 and 21335]
How can it be? Ulama su'  is worst as dajjal tricked people whereas scholars deceive people by his action and ahwalihi. Lisanul haal afsahu min lisanil aqwal
So be from 1) and not 3)

Habib Abdullah Al-Haddad (nafa'anaAllahu bihi fid darayn) at the end of his life, he does not want to eat meat that he will be asked. He was very thin and passed away emaciated. He had cloth just enough to cover his body.

(Abu darda: curse be the one who doesn't learn and curse 1000x to the one who learn but does not act)

ajwad = wind

a man asked Habib Abdullah for advice for his deen
Habib Attas left Yamen and student wrote to him, now that you have left us, the deen is more difficult for us. He wrote a book for them.(Salik salatil saada?). His name is AbuBakar. Communist stopped the plane trying to find Habib Attas but he went to Jeddah and died 25 years later.

Habib Muhammad AlHaddad used to study with his feet dangling on the roof top so he won't lose concentration. if he fell down, he die

syahawat: passion can be positive. 'la yu'minu ahadukum hatta hawahu in acc to what I've brought (lima ji'tu ni). Hawa - passion is positive in here. Something negative can be positive by training.
S Yusuf said 'I do not claim innocent for myself'
Some said it's the amir because they do not judge in hasten. ma rahima rabbi - ma use as man. Baghawi, ma taba lakum - malaika. The bad passion becomes angelic
getting married is from sunnah - fankihu ma taba lakum
nafs become purify by following sunnah
La uqsimu binnafsi lawwamah - high state - reproachful nafs
nafsu mutmainah - radhiya mardhiyah - peace, satisfaction, satisfied
taba': imprint, ithma - saved from evil, shown mercy
Sahl altustari - taba' creation (khalq). people are miniature of great creation as sign fil afaq wa fi anfusikum - people are the greates of creation
1) animal: eg batn wal farj
2) syaitan and laibu (wahm?) makhru alkhida
3) taba'a sakhra - magician and plotting, TV internet imprint in something pure
4) iblis - rejection and pride
solah - connected with fasting - stop from animalistic passion

malaika; nahnu nuqadisuka wa nuqadisu lak (nasiha wa insafi wa tafadul)
in egypt, a syeikh pulling donkey with him on him, lots of people stop him and say salam and tafadul
al-quds: the One is beyond any possibility of having a fault. Taqdis - recognising His Qudus
Subbuhul qudus - tasbih wa tafdil - after witir, time angle change

'if you want to defeat 70 syaitan, give sadaqah'
wa nafsi wa ma zakaha, qad aflaha man zakaha: by giving zakat.. giving from who you are to the one that Allah asks us to. Zakat 1) compulsory 2) not compulsory - smile, cooking for family.. this will overcome nafs

subuhul qudus - du'a during sujud in adzkar

Habib Ahmad asked his grandson to send a scarf to Habib Muhammad bin Alwi AlMaliki 'intifal amr'. Habib Muhamad almaliki gave everything in his bag and a book

1) Nafs amarah bi su'
2) Nafs lawamah - blaming oneself
3) Nafs mulhama - fa alhamaha fujuraha
4) nafs mutmainah
5) nafs radhiya - Allah please
6) nafs mardhiya
7) nafs kamila - perfect soul

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