
Sunday, February 25, 2007



The concept of Bidah has peroccupied many Muslims and it has forced people away from true etiquette that Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam embodied.
Differences has been there from the time of Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi and will always be there until end of time.
We should maintain high character and lofty mannerism in approaching differences.
Differences is practised by humankind generally.
It should not result in negative attitude and disrespect of other people.
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam said differences within my ummah /community is a blessing.
We cannot assume that there is only one correct way of understanding.

The example from prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam
He Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam instructed a group of sahabi not to pray asr until they reach Bani Khuraizah (is this right name).
A group of sahabi didn't pray as they understood the literal sense whereas a group prayed on the way as they understood prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam wanted them to hasten and not prayed in Madina. When they returned and this was narrated to Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam, he did not negate either one of this groups. He ACCEPTED BOTH

Sahabi didn't differe amongst themselves but respected each other differences and didn't despice one group's action from another.Their hearts were together.

Another example
Arabic language- words/phrases has multiple meaning.
one word has more than 1 meaning
one phrase has multiple meanings
Imam Maliki/Shafii/Ahmad each looked and derived different understanding according to how the understood
each would use evidences from the sunnah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam to support their understandings
but another scholar would not say the other is misguided/fasik ect but will work on what he understands.
Scholars accept differences in opinions.

Arabic language opens doors to different understanding.

e.g the word fauk
in the arabic word has 13 meanings
example fauk: above
fauk: greater than (in a parable)
Fauk: extra (verse of inheritance)

ishtiwar- establish
has 6 different meanings

_another example:_,_._,___
particle- connected to a word, on its own has not meaning
example in the verse about wudhu the particle "ba" causes differences in meaning about wiping the hair
each scholar produce evidences from sunnah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam based on understanding and prophetic light.

in the latter day period/now Muslims are preoccupied with innovation in an incorrect manner which results in negativism in their hearts and perspective towards someone else
if we go back to Quran and sunnah of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam understand innovation,

TRUTH of the matter is clear
in a situation (1) know reality of matter
(2) courage to stand on reality

Bidah- innovation
means new inventions without previous example

Quran..... Badi us sama waliwal ard
Creator without any previous example

Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam when he warned about innovation, he warned in a general manner
Beware of every new innovation and is a misguidance

The word every in arabic carries the meaning majority
Prophet and companions understood it is not in an absolute manner.
However people assume that the prophetic meaning is general and start to consider it to be a sinner.

In the Quran and Arabic language, the word every means majority of things

For example in the sirah about punishment of people of Hud the ayat stated .... will destroy everything.....
but what was destryoed were houses of the disbelievers not mountains etc as well

Another example
in the story about Queen of Sheeba accepting religion of twheed from Sayyidina Sulayman Alaihi salam, the rough meaning of the ayat stated that she was given everything
but Sayyidina Sulayman Alaihi salam had the ability to control jinn and understood the language of animals but she didn't receive such gift,
therefore, the word every here means many many great gift, more than any other would normally receive

similarly the hadith of Sayyidina Muhammad S allallahu alaihi wa ahlihi every means majority

If a person repeatedly listens to this hadith over and over again, he could mistakenly understand that everything that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam did not do is wrong and will lead to Hell fire, but that is NOT so.

Sahabi Radhi Allahu anhum took the hadith from the mouth of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam and they also took the understanding of the hadith from him Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam.
But they were innovators themselves.

in Islam good practise which is followed, the innovator will receive reward for the practise and from all those who practise it after him without diminshing the rewards of those who do good.

(1) A person with an act of goodness even if Prophet Muhammad S allallahu alaihi wa ahlihi didn't do is considered praise worthy
Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam encourage in general all act of goodness

(2) miss this ------

(3) Sahabi took the understanding and hadith from Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam continued doing good and they themselves did praiseworthy innovation.

What are blame worthy innovations?
It is when a normal practise either daily or cultural is being incorporated to make it a religious practise.

Example from Imam Bukhari hadith :
Abu Israil a companion wanted to please Allah by way of active worship by not standing under a shade and vowed never to sit.
When Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam knew about this, he told the companions to tell this particular sahabah to stand in the shade and to sit down.
This is normal everyday recurrence that was tried to incorporated into a religious practise.This is blameworthy innovation

Allah in AlQuran instructed act of goodness and Sahabi and the later generations did many acts of goodness that Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam never did.

An example

Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam sent a group of sahabi under the leadership of one companion.Through out their journey and stay this particular leader lead the prayers and always recited Surah Ikhlas Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrb, Isya.And there was NO instruction from The Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam .
When they returned this was conveyed to Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam who questioned him why he did this. The sahabah said that it was because the Surah was about the descrpition of the attribute of Allah ArRahman The Most Merciful and the sahabah loved the surah because of this.
Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam said "Tell him his love will lead him to Jannah". Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam never said that this was blameworthy innovation but encouraged such act of goodness for the love of Allah.
This companion knew what was bidah but he also knew this was an act of goodness.

Likewise it is recorded in Imam Bukhari's collection of hadith that one companion prayed behind the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam.Each time the Prophet came out of rukuk this sahabi would say "Hamdan Toyyiban Mubarakan Fi".
After the prayer the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam asked 3 times before the sahabi answered it was him who did the zikr.
Rasulullah said I only asked because I saw 30 angels competing to write down the reward of your zikr.
If it was blameworthy innovation / bidah, Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam would have reprimanded it.But instead he did not and told about the rewards recorded by the angels.

Another example

One companion was going to be crucified , He asked if he could pray2 rakaat sunnah before that. He said he did it short because he didn't want the enemy to think he was afraid, otherwise he would have made a longer prayer.
When this was revealed to the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam, he said that the companion had done a good practise and encouraged such prayer. He did not say that the companion did bidah.

(Here Habib quoted a Quranic verse which I miss)

So we see that the sahabi who took the hadith and the understanding of the hadith from the mouth of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam always did goodness within the Prophetic revelation.

But we don't see them doing extra rakaat of zuhr prayer, or fasting in Ramadhan for 32 days. They knew what the hadith meant.

During the reign of Sayyidina Abu Bakr Radhi Allahu Anhu many hafiz died during the battle of Yammamah. Sayyidina Abu Bakr Radhi Allahu Anhu was afraid that the Quran would be lost from the Ummah.
He met Sayyidina Umar Radhi Allahu Anhu and said that there is a need to compile the Quran into a book. Sayyidina Umar responded that Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam did not do that. Sayyidina A Bakr said, it is as act of goodness,
Similar incident and respond with Sayyidina Uthman and Ubayy bin Kabb Radhi Allahu Anhum.
All the time Sayyidina A Bakr Radhi Allahu Anhu stressed that this was act of goodness.

Allah opened the heart of Sayyidina A Bakr Radhi Allahu Anhu to compile the Quran for future Ummah. It did not contradict the religion, but it facilitated people to worship Allah.

Same things with madrasah
There is no direct statement from Quran or Sunnah but it is an act of goodness

Masjid Nabawi originally was made of pebbles, palm leaves, bark of palm tree and the pulpit was from the palm tree.
We have changed the masjid but it is not blameworthy

Likewise the use of microphone during this lecture, Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam never used it. But it is an act of goodness that facilitate worship of Allah.

The beauty of this Deen is that there are many general goodness in the Light of Islam.

Example if a person decides to read Surah Ali Imran after Fajr everyday, someone hears about it and ask why he is doing it when Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam never did it.
Actually there is no basis to object because AlQuran is an intercessor for the person at Yaumul Qiyamah. It is good to read AlQuran. Maybe this person is not free to read AlQuran at other times.
The person who ask should facilitate act of goodness and active worship

Ayah Quran, Whatever Rasulullah ..........(missed this bit) take it, whatever he forbid from doing, avoid it

The verse said whatever he forbid, it did not say whatever RasulullahSallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam did not do

maybe sometimes what rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam did not do is not a practise of his people for example eating lizard. When he Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam was asked why not,he said it is not a practise of my people.

Sayyidina Uthman bin Affan Radhi Allahu anhu when he was the Amirul mu'minin he introduced 2 azan for Jumaah prayers so that there is benefit for more time when he saw that there are many people who had to come for Friday Prayers.

Sayyidina Uthman Radhi Allahu Anhu also introduce Labbaika wa sa'daika instaed of labbaikAllah only.
What he did were act of goodness.

Any good action that is not done by Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam
if anyone say it is bid'ah
and he means good innovation, he is correct
if he means linguistically from the point of view of language, he is correct
if he says it is astray, for certain he himslef is mistaken and should go back to understanding the AlQuran and the Sunnah

Door to goodness is always open.
By the statement of AlQuran and Sunnah of Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam the person who thinks one is astray is wrong to make that statement.

Be reminded that a person who introduces good action will be rewarded for his action and will receive the reward of those who follow his good action without minimising the reward each individual receives.

For example Imam-imam of this Ummah were inspired by Allah Subhanahu wa Taala to gather zikr and doa, certain amount and at certan time and they noticed certain benefits and gather people to recite this doa and zikr,
These Imams were not contradicting the religion of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala.

For example
Sahih Bukhari, contains gatherings of saying.s of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam. It puts things into order.From them derived book of knowledge, book of fasting, book of Hajj etc
Now we say it is authentic, but what is it,
It is narration of Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam to facilitate the religion

If Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam did an action only once, it is enough to instruct people to do that

For example Abdullah bin Abbas said he knew the congreagation prayers had finished when he hears zikr in a loud manner on his way to the masjid.

Another example one statement that Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam read qunut in fajr prayer till he die is enough evidence to practise qunut.

who does not know should hold back and not condemn
Condemn opens door to shaytan.
Hold back even if he feels strongly he is right
Don't go against the mannerism of the Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wa ahlihi wa salam. Condemn is not the right way to correct any practise

Generations after generation for 600 to 700 years from East to West Muslims had done that kind of practise. After generations and generations of people doing a particular practise, some people of present time try to stop such practise. Centuries after centuries from east to West people including learned scholars had good practises.
Only one scholar disagreed and thought people went astray and people nowadays start to take one scholar's opinion and behave in a certain manner.

For example for centuries from the 13th Hijra Muslims use to pray 20 rakaah of tarawih prayers, from masjid nabawi to masjidil haram and so on
Suddenly now people are saying we should go back to do 8 rakaah of tarawih.

Fuqaha/muhadittin/ulama of present days are misguided and hence people are also misguided.

Adorn one's self in Prophetic characteristic
Make doa that Allah show the truth as it is
and Allah shows falsehood as false.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Miracle of the prophets

Miracle of the prophets (13.01.07)
Habib Kadzim As-Saqqaf hafidzulLah

- All are the action of Allah. The action is just cause.. Allah can choose any means for His actions eg Sayidina Qatadah RadhiyaAllahu ‘anh whom rasululLahu sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam put his eyes back.
The other example is when RasululLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam threw sand at the enemy in the battle of Hunayn ‘wa ma ramaita iz ramaita walakinaAllahu rama.’

-Nothing is impossible if we focus that it is Allah’s action.
-Allah gave support to rasools (alayhimu salatu wassalam) to show that the deen is haq.

-We knew that all the objects that we consider inanimate have feelings eg in one occasion the people from banu Kindah came to RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam. Banu Kindah was well-known as sooth-sayers and they can predict the future. They left something behind in their village and they wanted to test RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam. They asked ‘what do we left?’. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam answered back ‘lastu bikahin (I’m not a sooth-sayer)’. They said ‘if you can’t proof you’re prophet by this, how can you proof you’re a prophet?’ RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam took stones in the masjid and in his hands the stone make tasbih clearly that everyone can hear. He placed it in the hand of Sayyidina Abu Bakr RadhiyaAllahu ‘anh and the stone continued making tasbih. He then placed it in the hand of Sayiddina Umar RadhiyaAllahu’anh and the stone continue.. A man from the tribe get the stone and immediately the stone stopped. As a consequence, everyone present became muslim.

-second example was the tree that cried when RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam was in his mimbar. All the sahabah can heard this. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam came down from mimbar and put his lip onto the stump. On one narration, he said ‘he missed the qur’an that was being recited.. another narration from Qadi Iyad whether he wants to become stump in jannah.
Hassan Al-basri used to say ‘Even the stump think have this yearning for RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam, what about you, O Mu’mineen?’

- In akhirat, there’s no cause and effect for eg in Jannah, if a man saw birds flying, he wants it in his heart, it will come as grilled for him. No cause and effect.

- Causes can sometime be manifest or hidden. Qatadah radhiyaAllahu ‘anh broke his sword and said ‘I have broken my sword’. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam called Qatadah radhiyaAllahu ‘anh and asked him to bring stick and he made it into sword.
Sometimes without asbab (reason). Eg Sayidinna Isa Alayhi al-Salaam born without a father.. he was created in one go. Immediately Sayidatina Maryam carried the child and give birth. The ayaat in the qur’an regarding this was connected using ‘fa’’ as opposed to ‘thumma’ ie immediately and not after or and then.

One of the miracles of RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam was he witnessed jannah as we’re seeing things on the screen. A sahabi saw naar and he moved backward from the jama’ah.

The biggest mu’jizat is qur’an and isra’ wal mi’raj which were not given to other rasool alayhimu salaatu wal-Salaam.

Qur’an is KalamulLah.

Isra’ is manifestation of Allah’s tajalli. Starting with ‘subhana’.. we have to stop our intellect and look. He sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam used beast ie buraq as a mean for us to contemplate.. Buraq had the speed of light (1st physical asbab in isra’).. 2nd: RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam was completely awake – if he’s asleep it is not a miracle. ~ It is a test for people’s iman.
RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam was asleep that night in Ummu hani’s house. He sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam woken from sleep, went to masjidil Haraam and drank zamzam there, and sleep in between 3 people. Sayidina Jibril came with Israfil. They pointed ‘he’s the one between the two’. Israfil woke him sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam up and said the buraw is waiting for you. The buraq is making lots of noises until - said ‘No one rides you better than this person’. Then, he raised his head in pride.

We have to contemplate.. why baitul maqdis? Ibnu hajar said the sky above quds there is a straight passage up

The distance in mi’raj: acc to Imam Ahmad bin Hambal 500years between earth and heaven.. within first heaven, we need rocket and even than we can’t reach the galaxy..

Sayidina Isa Alayhi Al-Salaam in 2nd heaven until he comes back to earth. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam shaked his hand and make du’a.
(the life of animal is akmal (more perfect) than the hayat of plant, and the life of human is akmal than the life of animal, and the life of malaikat is akmal than the life of human – Sayidina Isa Alayhi al-Salaam is in malaikat level now).

There was no distance between distance ie traveling so fast (miracle).

Sayidina Adam Alayhi al-Salaam looked right and he smiled, then he looked left and he became grim. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam asked why. Jibril answered when he looked right, he saw the arwah of his children going to heaven and when he looked left he saw the arwahs going somewhere else.

Sayidatina Khadijah RadhiyaAllahu ‘anha realized that RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam was gone. She went to search for him sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.. she went to zamzam and saw Sayidina Abbas radhiyaAllahu ‘anh was sleeping in the haraam.. She was searching for him.

RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam wanted to see Jibril in his angelic form.. and Sayidina Jibril instructed him sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam to meet him in the hira’. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam fainted. In spite of this, Sayidina Jibril can’t go further in Mi’raj. Allah praised in Surah Najm.


Key to mercy of Allah is adaab with Allah especially the masjid (Allah’s house).

Hadith Al-Harithah: slept in masjid. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam asked, ‘kaifa asbahta? (how is your morning)’’asbahtu mu’minan haqqa. As if I can see the jannah, naar..
The state of our prayer should be AS IF you’re seeing Allah.

Our heart will be disturbed if we understand the qur’an differently from RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.

Allah deflects one who is arrogance from the haqaiq of deen.

We are in the state of ibadah in the masjid if we give honour to what Allah have made ta’zim. We can feel it in the heart. ‘Nawaitul I’tikaf’ is just a mere intention but if the heart did it because wanting the redha of Allah, we will get the reward because of the intention in the heart.

Outwardly, some masjid are more beautiful than other but there is no different for Allah.

The main sunnah of entering a masjid: 1) right feet 2) I’tikaf 3) tahiyatul masjid. These are the haq of our deen. All these sunnahs is like you’re being given a key but you’re not using it. .
We’re in the masjid and we’re Allah’s guest. One reception from Allah in jannah everytime we go to masjid.
Habib quoted a hadith from Abu Ya’la about one who go to fard is like umrah…
‘Innama ya’muru masjid man yu’minu bilLahi’

‘Man alifa fil masjid, tabasybasyahu lLah’
Sayidina Abu Bakr RadhiyaAllahu ‘anh while in his khilafah was injured by kuffar. He built a mosque in the middle of his house in the garden because of his heart attachment to the masjid.
Tabasybasy = when family welcome and smiled at you.
Alifa : goes to mosque
1) go & return
2) habituated
3) ya’muru bil masjid

Three glad tidings for people whose attached to the masjid:
1) if they are sick, angels come and visit them
2) if they want to make dunya affair, malaikat will go first to help him
3) if they died, malaikat wait them.

Allah praised people for their attribute eg muhsineen, matatahireen

RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam get all these khususan eg speaking to angels or dead peoples and as part of the eeman we have to believe in these. Otherwise iman is not complete..
RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam can see clearly things at his back as clear as his front.
Forgiveness of sin past and future is special to RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.

Reciting 10X surat al-ikhlas after prayer ~ a palace in jannah

The qudrat of ruh is the same as qudrat of jism. In Isra’, RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam salam to all the previous prophets even they were dead. And lead them in solat. “Ar-ruhu min amrilLah”. The prophets were shown in physical person to RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.
All the rasuls were placed in the heaven according to our connection to them. Eg the first heaven is Sayidina Adam alayhi Al-Salaam = he’s the father to us. In the 2nd heaven is Sayidina Isa Alayhi Al-Salaam who will come down on white minaret in Damascus. 3rd heaven Sayidina Yusuf alayhi al-Salaam as we will enter jannah in his appearance. 4th heaven Sayidina Musa alayhi al-Salaam because of the benefit we had from him in reducing the solat. In 7th heaven Sayidina Ibrahim ALayhi al-Salaam.

In the Mi’raj RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam heard the writing of pen. Pen was the first thing created by Allah.

In the qur’an “Kaifa khuliqat” “kaifa banainaha” ie we have to cotemplate not on the measure but on the creation. As contemplation can increase iman.

Nabi RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam saw Allah but Nabi Musa Alayhi al-Salam “rabbi arinii andzur ilaik” he fainted.

Whenever you said from the depth of your heart, this will take you closer to Allah eg when you drink and say AlhamdulilLah.

Reflection leads to strengthen iman that leads to certainty that leads to witnessing ~ we can see beyond walls.

In jannah, the similarity of things in this dunya are only in names. Jannah have 8 gates and one of the door is called babul farah.

When RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam came back, he was so happy.. with tears in his eyes.. the first person he met was Abu Jahl. And one person bring his people, some people became muslim and some people apostate: big test before hijrah ~ knew who was muslim and who was not.
The distance from mekkah to Masjidil Aqsa was more than a month travel, but when questioned.. Allah brought Masjid Al-Aqsa so that RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam can describe about it and he saw the masjid clearly as he can see the house of Aqil bin Abi Talib.
And the caravan was delayed because the lead camel broke its leg when it saw buraq.

Da’watul Hal a’dzam min da’watul kalaam
Da’watul fi’il a’dzam min da’watul kalam.

1) Those who are still alive today is ‘nadzinin instead of ‘khuld’ ie delayed until the end of time
2) To become awliya is khalli wa ta’alli = leave and take. Leave bad characteristic and adopt the character of RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam for eg leave anger take forbearance. Stick to adzkaar.
3) Wudhu’ must be done with hudr ‘Hudruk fi qalbi a’dzam min hudruk fil fi’il. No rushing. Approach the solat from mi’raj point and miftah with wudhu’. Sayidina Ali Zaynal Abideen (RahmatulLahu ‘alayh) – pillars fell in masjid and he’s still praying.
Sayidina Urwah bin Zubair (radhiyaAllahu ‘anh) have gangrene and was amputated during his solah.
Don’t make solat become adapt for eg Subhana Rabiyal a’la ~ heard what you say with your heart! Find time on your own and reflect what you’re saying.
4) Regarding going to graveyard: Someone came to Sayidatina Aisyah RadhiyaAllahu ‘anha during the time of draught. She said make an opening on the ceiling above the grave of RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam. The cloud came above his grave and rain came down until it became year of wealth.
Bilal Al-Harithi at the time of Sayidina Umar radhiyaAllahu ‘anh went to RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam’s grave to ask for help. He slept and RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam came in his dream and said go to Umar and pray istisqa’. He went to Sayidina Umar RadhiyaAllahu ‘anh and told him. Sayidina Umar asked him, really? He cried and prayed istisqa’. A hadith on ‘have taqwa in Allah and seek the mean’ which include this.
5) Women can be attached to masjid by
a) going whenever possible ‘fatradada ‘alaih’
b) teach the children the importance of masjid
c) ask Allah to give a reality to have a heart that is attached to the masjid.
6) istidraj= Dajjal came and raised people from dead ~ It is shaytaan who come with the face of dead person. People get confused because they don’t have the knowledge of this hadith. 40 days. People will see mountains and rivers and he says this is jannah and mountain of fire which is actually garden. He will enter every single city.
7) What is reveled during mi’raj “fa awha laka ma awha” is more than what we knew.
8) Help of angels can still happen now eg in Badar, the angels came wearing green turban and in Hunayn black turban. They cut the neck and wrist, wrist so that it’s easier to capture them. Abu Yasar said he captured Al-Abbas who is very big in stature and voice can be heard from miles away. Angle came from 4 angles.
9) The only reason why wali have miracles is because of them following the sunnah of RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Chapter 24 (On kindness and charity)

Revision: Hadith Jibril in relation to all the hadith is like fatiha to the whole qur’an.
All the deen can be traced to Hadith Jibril.
1st stage of the deen: is just physically doing whether one understand or not. Like a small child just following her mother praying. This will make him a muslim even if he’s a munafiq. (Munafiq is a muslim and have all the rights of muslim).
2nd stage of the deen: iman. You can’t see but it is in the heart. Tasting the reality from experience or practice. People came to RasululLah SAW and said they can’t give up 1) woman in which Rasulullah said ‘aslim’ 2) wine in which RasululLah SAW said ‘aslim’ 3) do not want to pray in which RasululLah SAW said he do not want them. “Inna salata tanha ‘anil fahsyai wal munkar” ~ practice Islam and you’ll see.
3rd stage of the deen: ihsan (Chapter 24)

- [alaika] = to nafs: himself and listener

- love = arabic; recognition of beauty (jamal): jamal might be in poem or songs, physical appearance, character etc.
= inclination of heart
= attraction towards fadhl (graciousness).
Beauty can be defined by
- nafs
- environment eg bolywood
- Allah: we ‘re required to love for beauty as defined by Allah.

[Afdhalu a’mal]
Fadhl: 1) Allah give without reason and Allah make it the best eg, afdhalu makan (the best place) is makkah, the best of day; Yaumul Arafah (from hadith and the day when syaitan is smallest)
2) fadhl earned (asbabul rahmat) ie people facilitate

‘Lau ‘abadta baina sama’i wal ard wa la hubbu fiha wa la bughda fiha – Allah will not accept it’

Three things that will lead to sweatness of iman
1) loving Allah and His Messenger more than anything else ‘In kuntum tuhibbunaLlah fat tabi’uni yuhbibkumulLah and Allah will love you.
2) Loving a person only because of Allah’s sake (other level ie LilLah)
a) ‘Allah will say in the Day of Judgement where are the people who love each other for My sake?’
b) Included in the people under the shade on the day that have no shade (al-yawma zilluhum yawma la zillin illa zilli). The seven people under the shade: just ruler, 2 people who gather together and seperated because of Allah, a man whose his heart connected to the masjid, young person who grew up in worship, a person who was invited by a beautiful woman with status and said ‘inni akhafulLah’, one who give sadaqah with right hand and the left hand did not know about it and a person who remembers Allah and his eyes filled up with tears.
~ all these people get reward because they’re doing something solely for Allah.
c) A man goes to visit other people from other town, so Allah send an angle watching him and he appears to him asking ‘ayna turid (where are you going)?’ ‘I came to see a brother in this town.’ ‘What benefit will you get from him?’ ‘No reason. I just love him.’ ‘I’m a messenger send to tell you that Allah love you like you love him.’
‘wajabat mahabbati ‘ala ~ It is necessary that My love to those who love for My sake, visit each other for My sake, sit together for My sake and spend on others for My sake.
3) He hate to back in kufr as he hate to be thrown into Fire

We have to think what reasons we had this company..

Visiting for Allah’s sake:
1) not doing something contradict the syari’ah
2) not extend beyond time

‘Al-wihda akhyar min jalasa su’ wal jalisa soleh akhyar min wihda’ (being alone is better than sitting with bad company, and sitting with good company is better than being alone). Malik Ibnu Dinar used to sit with dogs at rubbish dung and some scholars asked him why and he answered with the hadith.

Love for Allah’s sake has 4 levels:
1) Lillah = just because of Allah eg you have a bad neighbour, but you just love him lilLah.
2) FilLah = have emotion attached to it and with iman, because this can brings you to Jannah
3) BilLah = by Allah and through Allah. Allah’s love through me and I’m just His vehicle.
4) MinaLlah = Allah pours to us.

Do’a RasululLah SAW which he attributed to Nabi Daud AS ‘Allahummar zuqni hubbak, wa hubba man yuhibbuk, wa hubba kulli ‘amalin yuqarribuni ilaik, waj’al hubbaka ahabbal ashya’I illayya, waj’al nafsaka ahabbu illayya minal ma’il barid.’ Nabid Daud AS is a’badal basyr ie the most in his worship but he still make this du’a. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam wants the love of people for Allah’s sake.. then how great is this love?


- How do we relate to people? Syeikh asked us to list 2 occasions of the past 3 days where we sat with someone and you rank it 1-10 in uplifting you.
- Syeikh asked us to define companion and friends.
- Origin of companionship is through pure love and sincerity love (mawaddah and mahabbah). When it happens, it happens because of Allah.
- Neighbours even non-muslim should be your company, so that they will love you and if you don’t make them your company, you’ll never have an impact on society.
- All your relationships should be based upon these hadith:
1) ‘Al-rijaal ‘ala diiini khalilihi, fal yandzour man khalilaluhu’ A person is upon the Deen of his khaleel - confidant, so each of you should look to whom you take as his confidant.’ (Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhee)
- Sayidina Ibrahim Alayhi Al-Salaam is called KhaliluLlah because at that time there’s no other people who believe in Allah.
2) ‘The likeness of a righteous friend and an evil friend is the likeness of a (musk) perfume seller and a person who stoke fire for blacksmith. As for the perfume seller, either he will give it to you, or you will buy from him, or you may benefit from his sweet smell. And as for the blacksmith, either your clothes will be burnt, or you will get stink." [Bukhari and Muslim]
-perfume seller is usually poor but they always have large heart and give you something.
-the smell: perfume attracts people and stink repel people
- the hadith represent jannah and naar.
-there’s no taste in this dunya except suhbatal fuqara’
-If you sit with wali (the one that Allah has chosen) you’ll feel ‘this must be the jannah was all about’. A Sahabi cried and said he didn’t want to go to jannah because he was not sure in jannah wether he’ll be with RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam. RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam replied that ‘al-mar’u ma’a man ahibba’uh’ (A man is with whom he loves). Sayidinna Anas RadiyaAllahu ‘anh said that is amongst the happiest time of his life.
3) ‘Al-wihda akhyar min jalasa su’ wal jalisa soleh akhyar min wihda’ (being alone is better than sitting with bad company, and sitting with good company is better than being alone)
- Imam Abdullah al-idrus asked his son Syed Abu Bakar (RahmatulLahu alayhim) to bring someone that is lower than him in religion to the dars. Syed Abu Bakar at that time was already an ‘alim and hafiz. So, he went to Tarim market to find someone. He saw a drunken man but then he thought “what if this man make tawbah, and his tawbah was accepted.. he’s better than me.” Then he saw some dogs, but he thought “this dog if it died, it goes to the ground. I have to stand up and I might fail.” Having failed the task, he went back and sat outside and cried. When his father came, he explained to him and his father said “you’ve learnt your first lesson. Not to raise yourself above anyone.”

Sahih Bukhari have lots of chapters and every chapters have it own sirr. Ibnu Khuyil Al-Lakhnawi RahimahuLlah just make comments on the chapter headings although he’s a great muhaddith himself. Imam Bukhari RahmarulLahu ‘alaih named one of the chapter: ‘ a chapter on cutting himself give peaceness of heart than bad company.’

(From Nasa’ih Imam Haddad RahmatulLahu ‘alayh)
There are a few reasons that one love a company:
1) whenever somebody loves a saliheen and keep his company. This is the love for Allah.
2) If he love that person is not saliheen but help you in your deen. This is love from Allah
3) If he love a person because this person helps in his worldly affair that helps his ahirat’s affair, this is included as love for Allah.
4) Purely duniawi – mubah.
5) He helps you do zulm / wrong and mischief, this love is ugly and it is blameworthy. This will lead to animosity as stated in Az-Zukhruf 67 “Friends on that Day will be foes one to another except the Al Muttaqoon".

Syeikh quoted a hadith on friends who died and said ‘Oh my Lord! So and so have left me and he used to… remind me and please Allah don’t leave him behind, guide him as he guided me.. Allah will combine them. ‘What a blessed brother you are.’ When a kafir died they said ‘O Allah! He’s the one who.. bis’al akh wa bi’sa khalil…’ Scholar said this hadith refer to Ubayy ibnu khalaf and Khutbah ibnu Abi Muis (who spit on RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam’s face).


Rifq = softness, seek rafiq qabla fariq (company before travel), quality that brings you close to the person
Lutf = all pervailing loving kindness; subtle eg from Allah - we have tears when dust get into the eyes, baby cry when they were born
Ya Latif 129x after fajr and maghrib according to Imam Ghazali

laqiyat - from qaeda; drive people towards it

siyasah - politic; siyasah nafs = dealing with self, ilmu siyasah - sahnun, great Maliki scholar, siyasah al wald

(p 64) Wahfadz lahuma janahan (lower your wings)
- speak at their level
- hadana - nursery / site of bird when baby birds hatched, baby birds were covered with mothers' wing for protection, love, security

liin, leena - plant seeds that is soft and blown by the wind. When Sayidina Khulafa Rasyidin was warned by a scholar: 'you are not Musa and I am not Fir'aun, Allah says 'Qul lahuma layyina'

فَإِنَّ الرِّفْقَ لَا يَكُونُ فِي شَيْءٍ إِلَّا زَانَهُ Hadithzanah: shine, beauty zanahu - taintedRelationship: if gentleness is gone, khalas
- ta'wila sa'diya - begin da'wah with getting to know the person (rifq)
فَبِمَا رَحۡمَةٍ۬ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ لِنتَ لَهُمۡ‌ۖ وَلَوۡ كُنتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ ٱلۡقَلۡبِ لَٱنفَضُّواْ مِنۡ حَوۡلِكَ‌ۖ فَٱعۡفُ عَنۡہُمۡ وَٱسۡتَغۡفِرۡ لَهُمۡ وَشَاوِرۡهُمۡ فِى ٱلۡأَمۡرِ‌ۖ فَإِذَا عَزَمۡتَ فَتَوَكَّلۡ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ‌ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُحِبُّ ٱلۡمُتَوَكِّلِينَ (١٥٩)
Ali Imran until end summarised with people - at battle uhud (badar)
layyin - flexible, husnul siyasah
Fadz = dry / stiff
infadhu = dissapear, fad = break

Syed Umar Abdullah went to Habib and didn't see Habib smile, 2 days he can't sleep and it almost killed him.

fa'fu 'anhum - if you forgive them, you will have rifq

wastaghfir lahum, spiteful, big hate = hiqd; istighfar removes hiqd from the heart

syawir lahum = he asked sahabahs' opinion for Uhud whether to fight in the city / out as an example for us. 'there's no one who consulted people more than Rasulullah' from Sayidatina Aisyah

11.06.07 (p 92)

- removing block on street can include wheelie bin on road

وَلَقَدۡ ءَاتَيۡنَـٰكَ سَبۡعً۬ا مِّنَ ٱلۡمَثَانِى وَٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ ٱلۡعَظِيمَ (٨٧) لَا تَمُدَّنَّ عَيۡنَيۡكَ إِلَىٰ مَا مَتَّعۡنَا بِهِۦۤ أَزۡوَٲجً۬ا مِّنۡهُمۡ وَلَا تَحۡزَنۡ عَلَيۡہِمۡ وَٱخۡفِضۡ جَنَاحَكَ لِلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ (٨٨)
- Imam Al-Baghawy - can only understand with the verse before
- laqad - double emphasize 
- sab'al mathani - fatiha, ibcluding basmala; the first seven surahs. Fatiha = the whole Qur'an can be found in alfatiha. 
La tamudanna 'aynayka = don't look with desire

Chapter 23 (On Social Duties)

“Ala kullukum ra’i, wa kullukum mas’ulun ‘an ra’iyatihi”

Adl means deal justly with balance and go beyond

“Inna sam’a wal basara wal fu’ada kullu ulaika kana ‘anhu mas’ula”
- Ulaika: used for people; they will come on their own appearance and speak.
- the tartib (order) of these things are according to its danger ie hearing are more dangerous than eyesight.

- A hadith from Tabrani sahih about ruler

- Another hadith from Abu dawud ‘whoever have responsibility for more than 10 people, his hand will be tied to his neck. If he’s adil, the hand will be released.’

- A wali is wuqf (stopped) in the bridge of jahannam, if he was ihsan he will be released. If he was corrupt, he will stay in jahannam for 70 years.

-Nabi SallaLlahu Alayhi wa alihi Wassalam make a du’a ‘whoever take the responsibility of my nation fasyaqa ‘alaihim syiqaq ie give heaviness and make difficult for him whoever make it difficult for them, and whoever make it easy for my ummah, make it easy for them.

- [wa ‘alaika bil adl] Al-adl from asma’ul husna (all the Name is asma’ul husna is adjective except for 3: al-hakm, al-haqq, al-adl)

- RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam asked us to prepare for the answer of questions. ‘wa ma jawabuha (and what is the answer?)’ he said ‘amalul bir (good deeds).
If we’re not prepared with answer, the limb will answer for us.

-Hadith: InnalLahu ja’alani abdan kariman wa lam ja’alani jabbaran anidan.
RasululLah SallaLlahu alaihi wa alihi wassalam never raise his voice in anger or his hands. The only person he killed was Ubayy bin Khalaf who said that RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wassalam have killed him just by a scratch on his neck in a battle-field. He died after a few days.
The story of Thamamh ibn Asar (RadhiyaAllahu 'anh) who have been captured in a battlefield. He was tied to one of the pole in Masjidun Nabi. Every morning RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam send him milk that he milked with his own blessed hands for him to drink and everyday they asked him to become a muslim in which he answered ‘la hajatan li (I do not have a need for it)’. On the third day, RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam instructed him to be released and he walked out, washed himself and came back to RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam declaring his submission.


- 7 organs that will be question: tongue, hearings, eyesight, stomach, private part, hands and feet.

Responsibility of parents
- finding good parent for them: not khudratu dimam ie beautiful but grew in manure
- good name: ‘min haqqil walad ‘ala walid an.. to give him good adaab and good names’.
- ta’dib = putting something at its place; comes from the word adaab: placing things in correct position in a feast; literature = formulated correctly.
ie have to teach them how to deal with things. One way is through riyada (Arabic = math or PE or it means getting into excellent through practice)
- ‘aqiqah; ‘every child is ransom by his aqiqah and his head being shaved’.
- education: teach fiqh and aqeedah in their childhood and right after they become adult.
- love: play and kiss
- to be fair with them: It is zulm to kiss one child and not the other.
- provisions and shelter for them
- make du’a for them

Hadith dhaif: ‘rihul walidu min rihil jannah (smell of child is smell from jannah).’ This refer to S. Hassan (RadhiyaAllahu 'anh) in particular and for all children in general.

“Inni ja’ilun fil ardi khalifah”
Khalifah = vicegerent; mulukul majazi ie representative majazi is metaphorical dominion

‘innalLaha ja’alani abdan kariiman wa lam yaj’alni jabbaran anidan’

‘khiyarukum awtafu bi ahlihi wa ahsanukum khuluquhu’
-being generous with ahli is one the test of good character eg there’s a sheikh who have bread from Sayidatina Fatima’s (radhiyaAllahu 'anha) time. His job is to distribute the bread – they took a bit of the bread, mix it into new dough and make a new loaf of bread from it. He had a bad wife and people always wondered why didn’t he took someone else as his wife. One day, one of his student get the courage to ask him about his wife and he answered saying that he had his maqam now because of his patience with his wife.

-[wa minl ‘uquq (p 132)]
Al-‘uquq came from the word ‘aaqa which means undutiful, impious or faithless
= blocked; mana’a = prevent
= akhara = delay.
‘aq ~ cutting his parents eg if a mother like something, it is obligatory for the son to fulfill it.

- [taqtibul wujh]
= eyebrows together

-Hadith from at-tabrani about obeying parents.. which includes putting izar below ankle. When the hadith was related to S Abu Bakr RadhiyaAllahu 'anh, he was worried because he was so thin that he can’t keep his izar above his ankle. But the meaning is actually about not having kibr (arrogance) in your heart.
Do not smell jannah for 500 years in hadith sahih, and 1000 years with isnad dhaif.
- Hadith:
1. men in authority who goes to bed at night and tricked his ra’yat, he will not smell the smell of jannah
2. man qatala rajulan min ahlil zimmah: who killed jews / Christians whom we have treatise with, he will not smell the smell of jannah, and the smell can be smell at 70 years.
3. La tas’al mar’a zawjaha.. there’s no woman who asked for divorce without reason except that she won’t smell jannah.

Bir walidayn:
- listen to them
- standing when they stand
- never walk in front of them
- never raise your voice with them
- answer their call with ‘labaik’
- seeking and taking care to make them happy
- lower ones wing ie show gentleness
- not look at them with frown or anger.

-A man came to Abu Darda’ RadiyaAllahu 'anh and said ‘I heard RasululLah SallaLlahu 'alayhi wa alihi wassalam said the mother is the widest door to jannah, if you wish preserve it, if you wish leave it.’

-The abrar is those who show goodness to his parents and children.

Chapter 22

Essence of risalah = amal ma’ruf wa nahi annil munkar

-Summary of every chapter
2. Muraqabah – every leaves falling in knowledge…
3. Azkuruni azkurukum
4. Reflection – inna fi khalqi samawati wal ard…
‘essence of the fruit : kernel: inner core ~ ulil albab
Masuk pasar = ayshadu an la ilaha illa Llah lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyi wa yumiit bi yadihil khair wa huwa ‘ala kulli syain qadir
5. cleanliness: hadith ‘bunya din ‘ala nadzifa. Allah is clean and go beyond any doubt and He loves cleanliness

- ‘alaika ~ writing to himself and the person who asked, and other people who wants to benefit.

-the only consensus for the whole ummah is amal ma’ruf wal nahi anni munkar.
-wal takun = command : there should be amongst u; must = la ~ fardu kifayah

- curse opp. Do’a – hoping that wrath of Allah goes to the community

- “ummatan” = one group “yughaiyiru” = change

-heart is the most beautiful organ of body

3 condition to do amal ma’ruf nahi munkar
1. have knowledge eg. The statue in Afghanistan. There’s a sahabi (Abul Qas) who passed in front of the statue but didn’t do anything about it.
Knowledge of fiqh and knowledge of the situation; teach them if they don't know
2. hukum that have been agreed upon, ijma' 'ulama, munkar must be clear,
3. opinion must not come from ijtihad / khilaf

ma'aruf = to call people to what is known ('arafa) eg. be kind, everyone know that we should be kind.
al-ma'aruf = the ma'aruf; everything that Allah command you to do
fard - (which you request to do and if you don't do, you'll be punish)
wajib - may not be fard - wajib 'alaykum ghusl juma'at
nawafil - nafl = froth on water / superior; above and beyond what is required; include sunnah; some above and beyond sunnah
Mahmud Ghaznawy did 3000 durood after fajr. He's sultan of Afghanistan. He finish at zohr. RasuluLlah SallaLlhu 'alayhi wassalam said  'why do you punish your people in heat? 1x = 100,000 durood larki
nakira = unknown / strange. everything which Allah dislike.

Focus - look deep inside 'have you fulfill your purpose in life?' to worship Allah. Every moment of your life should spend. think of pain of others. have a portion at night to think about other people in your family. How will if they die in the state Allah is not happy with them.

level of nahi munkar
1st level - nahi munkar can be done as an indication eg looking sharply, not attending wedding
2nd level - explain by words (explain not forbidding), said wisom - not haram
3rd level - forbid privately, verbally, gently
4th level - harsh words
5th level - with hands if have authority
6th level - intimidate (with authority)
7th level - hit the person (authority)
8th level - jihad (eg Muhd ibnu Qasim)

ulama - 1) knowledge 2) practise 3) teach

story of fishing on yawmul sabt... one group who stop them and they ignored, so they build a wall, one day, they found outside the wall some monkeys saying 'do you know me?'

three types of people
1) do wrong
2) give excuse not to do nahi munkar
3) stop them, no success, cut yourself off

يَا أيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اجْتَنِبُوا كَثِيرًا مِّنَ الظَّنِّ إِنَّ بَعْضَ الظَّنِّ إِثْمٌ وَلَآ تَجَسَّسُوا وَلَآ يَغْتَب بَّعْضُكُم بَعْضًا أيُحِبُّ أحَدُكُمْ أن يَأكُلَ لَحْمَ أخِيهِ مَيْتًا فَكَرِهْتُمُوهُ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ تَوَّابٌ رَّحِيمٌ
12. O you who believe! Avoid much suspicion. Indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not [on others], neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? By no means, [since] you would hate it. And fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is the One Who forgives and accepts repentance, Most Merciful.

tajassasu = investigate, find something that has been hidden
awrat - the part of body that need to be covered or what Allah has covered. People who have haya' and modesty, they will cover their awrah.
حَدَّثَنَا بِشْرُ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ، أَخْبَرَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ، أَخْبَرَنَا مَعْمَرٌ، عَنْ هَمَّامِ بْنِ مُنَبِّهٍ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏ "‏ إِيَّاكُمْ وَالظَّنَّ، فَإِنَّ الظَّنَّ أَكْذَبُ الْحَدِيثِ، وَلاَ تَحَسَّسُوا، وَلاَ تَجَسَّسُوا، وَلاَ تَحَاسَدُوا، وَلاَ تَدَابَرُوا، وَلاَ تَبَاغَضُوا، وَكُونُوا عِبَادَ اللَّهِ إِخْوَانًا ‏"‏‏.‏

Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Beware of suspicion, for suspicion is the worst of false tales; and do not look for the others' faults and do not spy, and do not be jealous of one another, and do not desert (cut your relation with) one another (don't plot with each other), and do not hate one another; and O Allah's worshipers! Be brothers (as Allah has ordered you!")
general advice of Rasulullah sallahu alayhi wassalam to people

Abu Barza Al-Aslami (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلمsaid: O you gathering of people, who have submitted by their tongue, and the iman did not enter their hearts, do not back-bite Muslims, and do not search for their faults, for whoever investigate the awrat of his friends, Allah will search for his fault, and if Allah searches for the fault of anyone, He disgraces him in his house. (Ahmad and Abu Dawood).
He sallallahu alayhi wasallam climbed on mimbar and he shouted (which is abnormal). 
The hadith in book, even in his room.

S Abdullah ibnu 'Umar: 'How magnificent is your honour?' looking at Kaabah 'but Muslims dignity is more than yours'                                                            

“Whoever conceals his Muslim brother’s faults and weaknesses, Allah will conceal his faults and weaknesses on the Day of Judgment. Whoever exposes his Muslim brother’s faults, Allah will expose his awrah to the point that he will be disgraced in his own home." [Ibn Maajah, 2643

Al-Musawwir bin Makhrama narrated from Abdurrahman bin Auf that one night he (Abdurrahman) and Umar were patrolling in Medina. While they were walking, a lamp was lit in one of the houses. They went towards the house and found the door closed. There were some people inside the house making loud noises. Umar took Abdurrahman's hand and said to him: 'This is the house of Rabee'a bin Umayya. They are drinking wine now. What do you think to do? Abdurrahman said: I think that we have done what Allah has prohibited; we have spied. Then Umar went away and left them alone

Abu Qulaba said: Umar narrated that Abu Mihjan ath-Thaqafi drank wine in his house with his friends. One day Umar broke into Abu Mihjan's house. Abu Mihjan said to him: O Ameerul Mo'mineen, this is not permissible to you. Allah has forbidden you from spying. Umar asked Zayd bin Thabit and Abdurrahman bin al-Arqam and they said to him: He is right, O Ameerul Mo'mineen. Umar went out and let him alone

Chapter 21 (Al-Wara’)

the hadith
- summary of other chapter
- paragraph summarise

-ulama’ said wara’ is the principle of the whole religion for ‘ulamail amiliin ~ practice

-wara = barrier / discipline
Qana’ah – taking care relationship with Allah and RasululLah SallaLlahu Alayhi wa alihi Wassalam ~ not chasing dunya; be satisfy with what you got.

- Ibnu Mubarak – borrowed a pen and put on his ears and he traveled from Khurasan to Syria and back.

- Ibrahim bin Adham – bought dates in Basra. Went to Jerusalem and back to basra to return one of the dates that is not in the batch

-whoever avoid subhat he have protected his honour.
-not having wara’ will result in 1. becoming lazy 2. fall into ‘ujb

- fi ‘aynihi = dam, lahm mayta etc
- halal fi nafsihi = water or fish that belong to someone else.

-Syubhat (doubtful)
- 1. Tuyuqin tahrimuhu = origin haram but perhaps halal ~ hukm: haram
-2. origin halal but have doubt eg cheese ~ hukum : halal but stay away from it.
-3. between halal and haram eg vinegar

Wara encompasses everything.

Chapter 9 (on Reflection)

- Reflection brings light to the heart.
- From the risalah, syeikh asked us to list the type of reflections and its fruits.

Chapter 4 (On the Inner and the Outer Self)

- Allahumma Ahsin Khuluqi ka ma ahsanta khalqi, waj’al sarirati khairun min ‘ala niyyati waj’al ‘ala niyyati salihatan.
- If the inward is good, the outward will be good. If you really want to bring something for the deen, why don’t we cry at night?
Leaving the outward and pretending to concentrate on the inward is a sign of liar and pretender

Chapter 3 (On Vigilance)

- Al-muraqabah: vigilant, taking into account, contemplation, aware of the One who is Raqib of you (watching over you)
Vigilant in ihsan is you are the one who is watching Him, its impossible, to understand this , we have to undestand the other part. Rabiatul Adawaiyah said level of your ma'rifa depends on the first partof ihsan and the way is through the second part. Muraqabah is a two way relationship
Sincerety is the key for gnosis.
- Muraqaba is a divine attribute in which a slave has a portion of it. It comes from the word Ar-Raqib "wa kana Allahu ala kulli shayyin Raqiba - He is upon you Raqiba', bil idafah ilaLlah

- Raqaba = to observe / watch
Raqib = to keep watch, observe; someone who stands in mountain (to defense) to protect the city from any attack

- The king who travel, arrived at the foot of a snowtop mountain, the wazir shot off for half an hour and came back with snow. ~ aware of what the king wanted
Muraqabah is the one who's most sensitive to the ayah, the twitch of the King's eyes

- Imam Khusyairi (RahmatulLahu alayh) have one favourite student. When the other became jealous of this particular student, the Imam gave them a task. Every student have to hide a bird in a place that nobody sees. The only student who didn’t complete the task was this favourite student. When asked, he said “he can’t find a place where Allah is not watching”

- 'What Allah wants me to do?' Muraqaba - even when making tea / coffee lead to ibada after knowing inner and outer

- Imam Haddad, in Syarah 'ayniyah by Imam Ahmad bin Zain AlHabsyi
لصالح النيات كن متحريا
have lots of good intentions for your actions for eg whoever wears perfume for Allah sake, he will smell musk in Day of Judgment, to invite angles, for other to smell something good, for the house to smell good, purification of the intellect (Imam Syafie: perfume enhanced the intellect), recommend to distribute attar after iqamah

have constant awareness, intention - mayl (leaning) / pushing you foward towards a desire. Ghayra mu'tasid illa bil asbab, asbab - syari'ah
Muraqabah is the highest level, but have to have intention and awareness.
have overwhelmed feeling that you feel low

- Allahumma arina haqqa haqqa... (S Abu Bakar) and do not make it blur that I follow my hawa.

- modesty = alHaya': to hold back

- Someone asked Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal how do you get to this high maqam? There's one occasion when I'm about to enter hamam, I want to take off my izar, then I remembered hadith of Haya', that's the day when he gets the dream.

- there's no work after death. when the heart is attached to the dunya, the heart is almost dead.
the rewards from this is greater than dunya.

- Muraqaba on our intentions is more important. Look at our intentions on a regular basis. eg reading the Qur'an : syifa' li sudoor, follow sunnah (think about sunnah when reading), tranquility, loudly for people to hear and attracts angles.

- Imam Ali Zainal Abidin said that muraqabah depends on the intention, the bigger the intention, the greater is muraqabah

(17.02.07, 09.05.10, 29.05.10, 30.11.11)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Hadith 24

Hadith 24 (03.02.07)

- This is the first hadith qudsi in Hadith 40, also known as hadith rabbani or hadith Illahi

- Hadith came from the word ‘hadatha’ = happening, come into existence
Qudsi = sacred; taharah / tanzi (pure / absent from any fault)
Qudsi ~ fima yarwi rabbi / qala Allahu ta’ala (ta’ala = exalted)

Different between qur’an / hadith qudsi/ hadith rasul
Divine/Divine/Divine (inspired) – rasul’s word
Qadim/Come into existence/Come into existence
Cannot transmit on meaning/Cannot transmit on meaning/No sin in paraphrasing
Can be recite in solat/Cannot be recite in solat/Cannot be recite in solat
Require state of purity/Purity not required/Purity not required
- there’s rawi in everything. Even for hadith qudsi the rawi is RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa Alihi Wassalam.The name qur’an is a special name ie no other things is qur’an.. whereas hadith can be attributed to any new things
- Rawi: Abu Zarr Al-Ghifarri RadhiyaAllahu 'anhu(have been discussed in previous hadith). One of the remarkable thing about Abu zarr is that he, even before becoming muslim is very particular about things. When he weight bread, an ant came and eat the bread, he said “this might be zarr in this dunya but it meant bit in the next world”.
Zarrah = red ant / smallest head of the smallest ant
Acc to Yazid Ibnu Haroon zarrah = no weight

- Ya ‘ibadi encompass ins wal jinn ie those who are responsible for their action (Wa ma khalaqtu insu wal jinnu illa li ya’budun)

- Zulm = injustice; unjust ie not putting something on the right place; not placing at the specific place / time.
= tasarafi mulk bighairi haq (taking something from the owner without right)

-Allah will never do zulm
1) everything is His, He will not be questioned about His action
2) He will reward according to action

- The biggest zulm is not recognizing Allah (Inna syirki la zulmun ‘azdim)

- zulm also means darkness.

- The hadith in which RasululLah asked ‘do you know who the bankrupt is? The one who came in yaumil qiyamah, making zulm to other and his good deeds being taken to give to others to recompense - *my own paraphrase –sorry*

- Another hadith ‘ If you stand with a madzlum, Allah will make your feet firm on the Day feet slip’

- Hadith ‘if you stand with a wrong-doer, Allah will make your feet slip on the Day feet slip’ – another narration

- There was a king who was very zalim. He took more tax etc. One day, an old lady stand up in front of him and said “ You’re a wrong-doer”. The king just laughed and said “Innal muluku iza dakhalu qaryatan afsaduha wa ja’alu a’izzata ahliha azillatan” (An-Naml 34) the verse where Queen Sheba said to her advisory. And the old lady answered back “Haven’t you read the whole surah “fatilka buyutuhum khawiyatam bima dzalamu, inna fi zalika la ayatan li qawmiy ya’lamun (v 52). When the king heard this, he cried and make tawba. He asked to return everything.. and the woman came to him and said “La taqnatu min rahmatilLah”.

Friday, February 02, 2007

In the footstep of the chosen one

Al-Salaamu alaykum.

We have been blessed to sit and listen under the feet of Al-Habib Kadzim As-Saqqaf (may Allah preserve him and increase his rank) in Edinburgh University.. AlhamdulilLah..
The title of his talk is 'in the footstep of the chosen one'.. I'll try to share a little portion of what he said.. and may it benefit all of you as it had benefit us..
-RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam is perfect in his attributes.. kareem, raheem, manaan
- All the Rasool are the role model for us.. for eg Nabi Musa(Alayhi al-Salaam) in his perfection that he reached, he can cure people from sickness; andNabi Isa (Alayhi al-Salaam) raised people from dead.. as if Allah is saying that this is my people whom I give the power (as a manifestation of My power)
- If we follow these role model, we'll gain eternal happiness.
-Whatever area we're in.. we can follow the example from RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.. ie if we're leader or a teacher or parents.. we can always follow him (SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam)
-All the recent discovery is a confirmation of Allah.. 'sanurihim ayatina fil afaqi wa anfusihim'.. al-afaq is what they can see in RasululLah's (sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam) time.. but in our time it means the universe because we have the knowledge beyond what we can see (in term of the universe).. and the 'sin' in sanurihim it means the future ~ ie Allah will continue to show the signs in the universe and in ourselves..
-Eternal happiness (felicity).. the secret lies in our souls.. it will continue to be renewed from time to time.. in death, after death and hereafter..
-we can get the nafahat through attending gathering, through prayer and the qur'an.
-Mankind will always be tested with 1. intellect 2. feelings
- RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam is always in the state of happiness and redha with Allah even at Uhud when blood pouring from his face..
-Sayidina Bilal RadhiyalLahu 'anh.. even one day before his death.. he is very happy..because he is going to meet RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam
-Allah places strength in certain things.. for eg Zam-zam water..RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam said.. we get what we intend for when we drink Zamzam..Sayyidina Umar RadhiyaAllahu 'anh made the intention when he drinks Zamzam to release the thirst in Day of Resurrection..
- Abu Quhafah.. when he was in the prison far away from his homeland..everyday his father went to the edge of the city every prayer time and said 'al-salat'.. he heard it every time, and he prayed.. after three years they're gathered together.. it is because of the connection of their hearts.. And we have the ability to do the same.. but most of us switch it off.. like a person who have mobile phones.. he switched it off.. eventhough people give him sms and called him.. he will never get it.
-The best thing to follow RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam is his akhlaq.. A man used to insult RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.. he even covered his face with cloth when he saw RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.. but when he died, his son came to RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam to pray over his deceased father.. SAyidina Umar RadhiyaAllahu 'anh protested saying that this man always insulted RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam.. but it didn't have any effect on RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam. The son even asked for RasuluLah's (SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam) cloth to cover his father.. RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam gave his rida' and even lead the janazah prayer..
-there's lots of hidden secret and treasure in Rasul's (SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam) azkaar evenlike 'La Hawla wa la quwwata illa bilLah'..
InsyaAllah may all these benefit everyone of us.
May Allah forgive me for my mistakes in transmitting these. Please make du'a for me and my family.

Al-hikam 24, 25, 26

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