
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Chapter 24 (On kindness and charity)

Revision: Hadith Jibril in relation to all the hadith is like fatiha to the whole qur’an.
All the deen can be traced to Hadith Jibril.
1st stage of the deen: is just physically doing whether one understand or not. Like a small child just following her mother praying. This will make him a muslim even if he’s a munafiq. (Munafiq is a muslim and have all the rights of muslim).
2nd stage of the deen: iman. You can’t see but it is in the heart. Tasting the reality from experience or practice. People came to RasululLah SAW and said they can’t give up 1) woman in which Rasulullah said ‘aslim’ 2) wine in which RasululLah SAW said ‘aslim’ 3) do not want to pray in which RasululLah SAW said he do not want them. “Inna salata tanha ‘anil fahsyai wal munkar” ~ practice Islam and you’ll see.
3rd stage of the deen: ihsan (Chapter 24)

- [alaika] = to nafs: himself and listener

- love = arabic; recognition of beauty (jamal): jamal might be in poem or songs, physical appearance, character etc.
= inclination of heart
= attraction towards fadhl (graciousness).
Beauty can be defined by
- nafs
- environment eg bolywood
- Allah: we ‘re required to love for beauty as defined by Allah.

[Afdhalu a’mal]
Fadhl: 1) Allah give without reason and Allah make it the best eg, afdhalu makan (the best place) is makkah, the best of day; Yaumul Arafah (from hadith and the day when syaitan is smallest)
2) fadhl earned (asbabul rahmat) ie people facilitate

‘Lau ‘abadta baina sama’i wal ard wa la hubbu fiha wa la bughda fiha – Allah will not accept it’

Three things that will lead to sweatness of iman
1) loving Allah and His Messenger more than anything else ‘In kuntum tuhibbunaLlah fat tabi’uni yuhbibkumulLah and Allah will love you.
2) Loving a person only because of Allah’s sake (other level ie LilLah)
a) ‘Allah will say in the Day of Judgement where are the people who love each other for My sake?’
b) Included in the people under the shade on the day that have no shade (al-yawma zilluhum yawma la zillin illa zilli). The seven people under the shade: just ruler, 2 people who gather together and seperated because of Allah, a man whose his heart connected to the masjid, young person who grew up in worship, a person who was invited by a beautiful woman with status and said ‘inni akhafulLah’, one who give sadaqah with right hand and the left hand did not know about it and a person who remembers Allah and his eyes filled up with tears.
~ all these people get reward because they’re doing something solely for Allah.
c) A man goes to visit other people from other town, so Allah send an angle watching him and he appears to him asking ‘ayna turid (where are you going)?’ ‘I came to see a brother in this town.’ ‘What benefit will you get from him?’ ‘No reason. I just love him.’ ‘I’m a messenger send to tell you that Allah love you like you love him.’
‘wajabat mahabbati ‘ala ~ It is necessary that My love to those who love for My sake, visit each other for My sake, sit together for My sake and spend on others for My sake.
3) He hate to back in kufr as he hate to be thrown into Fire

We have to think what reasons we had this company..

Visiting for Allah’s sake:
1) not doing something contradict the syari’ah
2) not extend beyond time

‘Al-wihda akhyar min jalasa su’ wal jalisa soleh akhyar min wihda’ (being alone is better than sitting with bad company, and sitting with good company is better than being alone). Malik Ibnu Dinar used to sit with dogs at rubbish dung and some scholars asked him why and he answered with the hadith.

Love for Allah’s sake has 4 levels:
1) Lillah = just because of Allah eg you have a bad neighbour, but you just love him lilLah.
2) FilLah = have emotion attached to it and with iman, because this can brings you to Jannah
3) BilLah = by Allah and through Allah. Allah’s love through me and I’m just His vehicle.
4) MinaLlah = Allah pours to us.

Do’a RasululLah SAW which he attributed to Nabi Daud AS ‘Allahummar zuqni hubbak, wa hubba man yuhibbuk, wa hubba kulli ‘amalin yuqarribuni ilaik, waj’al hubbaka ahabbal ashya’I illayya, waj’al nafsaka ahabbu illayya minal ma’il barid.’ Nabid Daud AS is a’badal basyr ie the most in his worship but he still make this du’a. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam wants the love of people for Allah’s sake.. then how great is this love?


- How do we relate to people? Syeikh asked us to list 2 occasions of the past 3 days where we sat with someone and you rank it 1-10 in uplifting you.
- Syeikh asked us to define companion and friends.
- Origin of companionship is through pure love and sincerity love (mawaddah and mahabbah). When it happens, it happens because of Allah.
- Neighbours even non-muslim should be your company, so that they will love you and if you don’t make them your company, you’ll never have an impact on society.
- All your relationships should be based upon these hadith:
1) ‘Al-rijaal ‘ala diiini khalilihi, fal yandzour man khalilaluhu’ A person is upon the Deen of his khaleel - confidant, so each of you should look to whom you take as his confidant.’ (Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhee)
- Sayidina Ibrahim Alayhi Al-Salaam is called KhaliluLlah because at that time there’s no other people who believe in Allah.
2) ‘The likeness of a righteous friend and an evil friend is the likeness of a (musk) perfume seller and a person who stoke fire for blacksmith. As for the perfume seller, either he will give it to you, or you will buy from him, or you may benefit from his sweet smell. And as for the blacksmith, either your clothes will be burnt, or you will get stink." [Bukhari and Muslim]
-perfume seller is usually poor but they always have large heart and give you something.
-the smell: perfume attracts people and stink repel people
- the hadith represent jannah and naar.
-there’s no taste in this dunya except suhbatal fuqara’
-If you sit with wali (the one that Allah has chosen) you’ll feel ‘this must be the jannah was all about’. A Sahabi cried and said he didn’t want to go to jannah because he was not sure in jannah wether he’ll be with RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam. RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam replied that ‘al-mar’u ma’a man ahibba’uh’ (A man is with whom he loves). Sayidinna Anas RadiyaAllahu ‘anh said that is amongst the happiest time of his life.
3) ‘Al-wihda akhyar min jalasa su’ wal jalisa soleh akhyar min wihda’ (being alone is better than sitting with bad company, and sitting with good company is better than being alone)
- Imam Abdullah al-idrus asked his son Syed Abu Bakar (RahmatulLahu alayhim) to bring someone that is lower than him in religion to the dars. Syed Abu Bakar at that time was already an ‘alim and hafiz. So, he went to Tarim market to find someone. He saw a drunken man but then he thought “what if this man make tawbah, and his tawbah was accepted.. he’s better than me.” Then he saw some dogs, but he thought “this dog if it died, it goes to the ground. I have to stand up and I might fail.” Having failed the task, he went back and sat outside and cried. When his father came, he explained to him and his father said “you’ve learnt your first lesson. Not to raise yourself above anyone.”

Sahih Bukhari have lots of chapters and every chapters have it own sirr. Ibnu Khuyil Al-Lakhnawi RahimahuLlah just make comments on the chapter headings although he’s a great muhaddith himself. Imam Bukhari RahmarulLahu ‘alaih named one of the chapter: ‘ a chapter on cutting himself give peaceness of heart than bad company.’

(From Nasa’ih Imam Haddad RahmatulLahu ‘alayh)
There are a few reasons that one love a company:
1) whenever somebody loves a saliheen and keep his company. This is the love for Allah.
2) If he love that person is not saliheen but help you in your deen. This is love from Allah
3) If he love a person because this person helps in his worldly affair that helps his ahirat’s affair, this is included as love for Allah.
4) Purely duniawi – mubah.
5) He helps you do zulm / wrong and mischief, this love is ugly and it is blameworthy. This will lead to animosity as stated in Az-Zukhruf 67 “Friends on that Day will be foes one to another except the Al Muttaqoon".

Syeikh quoted a hadith on friends who died and said ‘Oh my Lord! So and so have left me and he used to… remind me and please Allah don’t leave him behind, guide him as he guided me.. Allah will combine them. ‘What a blessed brother you are.’ When a kafir died they said ‘O Allah! He’s the one who.. bis’al akh wa bi’sa khalil…’ Scholar said this hadith refer to Ubayy ibnu khalaf and Khutbah ibnu Abi Muis (who spit on RasululLah SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam’s face).


Rifq = softness, seek rafiq qabla fariq (company before travel), quality that brings you close to the person
Lutf = all pervailing loving kindness; subtle eg from Allah - we have tears when dust get into the eyes, baby cry when they were born
Ya Latif 129x after fajr and maghrib according to Imam Ghazali

laqiyat - from qaeda; drive people towards it

siyasah - politic; siyasah nafs = dealing with self, ilmu siyasah - sahnun, great Maliki scholar, siyasah al wald

(p 64) Wahfadz lahuma janahan (lower your wings)
- speak at their level
- hadana - nursery / site of bird when baby birds hatched, baby birds were covered with mothers' wing for protection, love, security

liin, leena - plant seeds that is soft and blown by the wind. When Sayidina Khulafa Rasyidin was warned by a scholar: 'you are not Musa and I am not Fir'aun, Allah says 'Qul lahuma layyina'

فَإِنَّ الرِّفْقَ لَا يَكُونُ فِي شَيْءٍ إِلَّا زَانَهُ Hadithzanah: shine, beauty zanahu - taintedRelationship: if gentleness is gone, khalas
- ta'wila sa'diya - begin da'wah with getting to know the person (rifq)
فَبِمَا رَحۡمَةٍ۬ مِّنَ ٱللَّهِ لِنتَ لَهُمۡ‌ۖ وَلَوۡ كُنتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ ٱلۡقَلۡبِ لَٱنفَضُّواْ مِنۡ حَوۡلِكَ‌ۖ فَٱعۡفُ عَنۡہُمۡ وَٱسۡتَغۡفِرۡ لَهُمۡ وَشَاوِرۡهُمۡ فِى ٱلۡأَمۡرِ‌ۖ فَإِذَا عَزَمۡتَ فَتَوَكَّلۡ عَلَى ٱللَّهِ‌ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُحِبُّ ٱلۡمُتَوَكِّلِينَ (١٥٩)
Ali Imran until end summarised with people - at battle uhud (badar)
layyin - flexible, husnul siyasah
Fadz = dry / stiff
infadhu = dissapear, fad = break

Syed Umar Abdullah went to Habib and didn't see Habib smile, 2 days he can't sleep and it almost killed him.

fa'fu 'anhum - if you forgive them, you will have rifq

wastaghfir lahum, spiteful, big hate = hiqd; istighfar removes hiqd from the heart

syawir lahum = he asked sahabahs' opinion for Uhud whether to fight in the city / out as an example for us. 'there's no one who consulted people more than Rasulullah' from Sayidatina Aisyah

11.06.07 (p 92)

- removing block on street can include wheelie bin on road

وَلَقَدۡ ءَاتَيۡنَـٰكَ سَبۡعً۬ا مِّنَ ٱلۡمَثَانِى وَٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ ٱلۡعَظِيمَ (٨٧) لَا تَمُدَّنَّ عَيۡنَيۡكَ إِلَىٰ مَا مَتَّعۡنَا بِهِۦۤ أَزۡوَٲجً۬ا مِّنۡهُمۡ وَلَا تَحۡزَنۡ عَلَيۡہِمۡ وَٱخۡفِضۡ جَنَاحَكَ لِلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ (٨٨)
- Imam Al-Baghawy - can only understand with the verse before
- laqad - double emphasize 
- sab'al mathani - fatiha, ibcluding basmala; the first seven surahs. Fatiha = the whole Qur'an can be found in alfatiha. 
La tamudanna 'aynayka = don't look with desire

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