
Thursday, January 01, 2009

The life of Muhammad - part one

BismiLlahir Rahmanir Rahim

AlhamdulilLah, yesterday we had the chance to follow Syeikh Muhammad Samir An-Nass class on seerah. We have listen to it online through halaqa online and Alhamdulillah this is some of our note:

Rasul Salallahu alayhi Wassalam’s character is the character of Qur’an. That’s why it is very important for us to learn about him.

Allah knows us more than we knew ourselves. The best way to live our life is according to the One who has created us while He is not in need of us. Rasul (Salallahu alayhi Wassalam) is the messenger for us from Allah. So, we should follow his way.

Allah take care of Rasul Salallahu alayhi Wassalam as He said you are in Our eye ‘fa innaka bi a’yunina’

‘Laqad kana lakum fi rasulillahi uswatun hasana’. He is the best example for us.

The original inhabitants of Makkah were Jurham. They speak Arabic language and it is called fusha ismail. They were replaced by Khuza’.

From Khuza’ was a man called Zayd who was better known as Qusay, which means 'far'. He was brought up far from Makkah. On his return to Makkah he married the daughter of Khuza'. He gathered the tribes of Makkah and the surrounding areas. He then took control of Makkah and its five major responsibilities:
1) looking after the ka’ba (hijaba/sidana)
2) feeding people and the pilgrimage (rifada)
3) giving water to the travellers (siqaya)
4) he was responsible for hosting meetings in his house
5) and the standard (flag)

Qusay had four children. The second one named Abdu Manaf. He was smarter and had more skill than his older brother, Abdul Daar. He became the leader after Qusay. Although all the responsibilities went to his older brother Abdul Dar out of respect. Eventually after some dispute, they divided the roles in a treaty.
These responsibilities remain with their descendents for example the keys to the Kaba are held with Banu Shayba who are the descendents of Abdul Dar. The flag and leadership are the responsibility of the khalifa. Providing water and food to the pilgrimage went to the descendents of Abdu Manaf.

The largest gathering for the Arabs is the haj. As the inhabitant of Mekkah, Quraisy were exposed to all Arab’s dialect and they picked up the best of accent.

The well of Zamzam
He mentioned that when Jurham left Makkah, they buried the well of Zamzam. The Prophet's grandfather, Abdul Mutalib saw the place of the well in a dream. At that time he only had one son named Harith. He made an oath that if he Allah gave him ten children he would 'sacrifice' one of them.

When he had his tenth son, he went to a 'kahin', soothsayer. Likewise when he found the water, they went to a kahin, soothsayer to find out who has the rights to the water.
They have found some treasure buried with the well. Abdul Mutalib divided it into 3 portions; one for Ka’ba, one for himself and the remaining for Quraisy. They have put their name in wooden particles and decided who get the ka’ba’s portion. With the recovery of the well of zamzam, it is easier for them to supply water to the pilgrimage. The responsibility went to Sayidina Abbas RadhiyaAllahu anhu and his son.
Khalid ibn Said ibn As dreamt that it was complete darkness and suddenly there was light came from zamzam and spread gradually. He went to tell his brother and said that something will happen from Abdul Mutalib’s side.

When Abdul Mutalib had 10 sons, he asked them to put their names in wooden arrows (al-qidah). They drew lots using arrows without its metallic sharp end. When he pulled the arrow, the name of his favourite son Abdullah kept coming up. His mother's family (Banu Makhzum tribe) refused to allow the slaughter to go ahead and they tried to find compensation for this sacrifice. So they went again to a kahin (soothsayer). The kahina who lived in the norh of Yathrib gave the answer on the next day saying that they can replace the sacrifice with blood money, ie 10 camels. If the name still came out, they have to add another 10 camels until they stop taking out his name. Hence 100 camels were slaughtered by Abdul Mutalib. Rasul Salallahu alayhi Wassalam was called ibnu zabihayn by the badwi, ie the son of 2 sacrifices (one of Abdullah and the other is Sayidina Ismail Alayhi salaam).

Abdul Mutalib went to Banu Zuhra, a section amongst the quraisy and asked them the hand of Aminah for his son, Abdullah. He himself married Aminah’s cousin Halah and they had Sayidina Hamza (RadhiyaAllahu ‘anh).

He said he, SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam, was the answer to the supplication of the prophet Abraham and the 'glad tidings' given to 'my brohter Isa' Parakletes, and Piraklates, one meaning the holy ghost and the other meaning 'the most praised' (Ahmed). His mother and grandfather both felt that the young baby (SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam) was to grow up to be the Prophet. His mother indicated it in a poem she wrote before her death

Hasan bin Thabit related that he heard the Jews of Madina saying 'tonight the star of Ahmed' has risen, indicating the birth of Messenger, SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam. This happened on 12th Rabi al-Awal (3rd Lunar month) in the year of the elephant ie 571 ce.

The Jewish ruler of Yemen prosecuted the Christians of that area. The Christians then went to Caesar and later to the Negus of Ethiopia for help. The Negus invaded Yemen and some of the Christians then went to built a huge church to attract the Arabs. An Arab man came and defiled the church, and out of anger the governor then decided to attack Makkah in revenge. The governor, named Abraha, came to Makkah from the south. The elephant that lead the army halted at Muzdalifa. It would not enter the sanctuary. Groups of birds approached with stones in the beaks and feet and they dropped them on the army. Abraha's army was destroyed.

When Rasul SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam, a group of people from Banu Sa’ad (who lived in Ta’if and surrounding area) came to wet babies from Mekkah. Amongst them was Sayidatina Halimah. She was a hungry and sick lady. She had a baby called Abdullah ibn Harith who cried a lot. The baby was always hungry as Sayidatina Halimah did not produce enough milk. But when Sayidatina Halima saw the face of Rasul SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam, she knew that it is a ‘mubarak’ face and it is the beginning of big changes in her life.
Prophet Muhammad’s mother is buried at Abwa between Makkah and Madina when he was six years old (SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam). Umm Ayman, who looked after him on the rest of the journey was described by the Messenger, SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam as 'my second mother'. On his return he was looked after by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib who showed great respect to the young boy. After his grandfather passed away, he (SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam) was looked after by his uncle, Abu Talib. Abu Talib was the only uncle with the same mother as Sayidina Abdullah. He lived with Abu Talib and his wife, Sayidatina Fatimah binti Asad. They gave him great respect to the extent that they would not let anyone start their food until he (SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam) start eating.
In Rasul SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam’s life, he went to Syria twice. The first was when he spoke with Bahira (the second one he SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam did not speak to any of the people of the book). Bahira was a monk lived at Bosra (also known as Bostra). He saw the sign of prophethood from the group that travelled together with him SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam and invited them to come in. When he saw each one of them, he asked why not everyone comes in and when he saw Rasul SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam’s face, he immediately knew that this is the person he was looking for.
When he SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam came back to Mekkah, two large tribe (Quraysh and Hawasin) was about to have a war. This was called harb al-fijar (the sacriligious war) as it happened during a sacred month. Aged twenty, he attended the signing of an agreement called hilf al-fudul, the pact of the righteous. He SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam said that this is more blessed than 'red camels' which symbolised the greatest worldy item to the Arabs, ie it was better than the best worldly thing.

His second trip to Syria was with Khadija's servant Maysarra. Maysarra met another monk named Nestora. Upon returning home, Sayidatina Khadija sent a neighbour called Nafisa to the Messenger, SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam, to suggest marriage. Sayidina Abu Talib went with the Messenger, SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam and proposed and conducted the marriage. The Messenger SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam was 25 years old and Khadija was 40. Sayidatina Khadijah had been married twice before and had some children. Amongst them Hind and Umar who grew up in Rasul SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam’s house. Sayidatina Khadija gave him two sons, Abdulllah and al-Tayyib and 4 daughters: Zainab, Ruqqayah, Umm Kulthum and Fatima. All his children passed away during his life except Sayidatina Fatima RadhiyaLlahu ‘anha.

‘the best amongst you is the one who is best with his family’

When he was 35 year old, a woman was making tawaf in the Ka’ba when fire starts burning the building. The Quraisy took the task of rebuilding it. There was a snake that used to stay in a place in the Ka’ba and it was suddenly taken away by a strange bird. The Quraisy took it as a sign that they can break and rebuild the Ka’bah. They decided that they will not spend any haraam money on the Ka’ba. When they started rebuilding it, there was shortage of money and they took out a part from the Ka’ba called Hijr Ismail. (If someone prays in this area, he is praying inside the Ka’ba). They made the Ka’ba a bit smaller, but higher than the original building and they also built the door higher.
After the task of re-building the Ka’ba complete, a fight was about to break again regarding who has the right to put Hajr Al-aswad on its place. Abu Umaya (father of Umm Salama RadhiyaAllahu anh) who was an honourable man from Bani Makhzum of Quraisy suggested that the first man who came through the gate will decide who will pick up the stone. Abu Umaya was well-known for his generosity and was called awzadu rakab as he will spend for everyone that travels with him.
The first person to come through the gate was Rasool SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam and everyone was happy. He was nicknamed Al-Ameen, the trustworthy because of his character SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam. He put his rida’ syareef (the upper portion of haraam’s clothes) and put the black stone on it. Then he asked the leaders of every tribe to come and hold his Rida’ and bring the stone to Ka’ba. He put the stone in its place with his blessed hands SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam.

Q & A
Shaykh said 'Anyone that says his knowledge is the same as Allah's knowledge is wrong. No one knows it as Allah knows it. He, SallaLlahu ‘alayhi Wassalam , does not have complete knowledge but to say that he does not have knowledge of the unseen is also wrong. There is relative knowledge of the unseen.

Question: what is the ruling on maulid? He said it is fine to make maulid as long as it is not through haram action.

Three special ladies with some differences who is the best, Fatima (the Shaykh's opinion) Khadija and Aisha (RadhiyaLlahu ‘anhum).

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