
Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Seerah (Birmingham Traditional Halaqah 2005)
Ibnu Hisyam

- Urwah bin Zubair: grew up at the house of Sayidatina A’isyah RadhiyaAllahu ‘anha. He read one quarter of qur’an in a day and a quarter of qur’an at night. He have khatam every 4 days on the day and every 4 days for the night.
- Muhammad ibnu Abdullah ibnu Abdul Mutalib ibnu Hasyim ibnu Abdil Manaf ibnu Qusayy ibnu Qilab (Hakim) ibnu Murrah ibnu Ka’ab ibnu Lu’ayy ibnu Ghalib ibnu Fikhr ibnu Malik ibnu Nadar ibnu Khuzaymah ibnu Kinanah ibnu Mudrika ibnu Ilyas ibnu Mudar ibnu Nizar ibnu Ma’ad ibnu ‘Adnan… ibnu Ismail ibnu Ibrahim… ibnu Syish ibnu Adam.
- Sayidina Adnan: is the 22nd grandfather of RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam and he’s the grandfather of Arab.
- Ibnu Abbas said 30 until Nabi Ibrahim Alayhi Al-Salaam.
- Ma’ad: Mujahid against transgression of Bani Israil
- Nizar: Little, they notice there was a little light when he was born.
- Mudhar: (Milk become thick) Whoever saw him will have his heart changed from his excellence and beauty.
‘Whoever sow evil, will reap regret’
‘The best of goodness is the one which is quick’
- Ilyas: (despair) he’s the only son of Mudar
- Mudrika: have the light in his face; nice voice
- Khuzayma: from khazama which mean string of pearl to tie on camel using earings
- Kinanah: the one expected to guide to the right way.
‘The time has come for a nabi to come to Makkah, if you follow him you’ll be increase in honour’
- Nadhar: extremely red
- Malik: only son; king of tribe
- Fikhr: Quraysh. Always feed people
- Ghalib: born orphan
- Lu’ayy
- Ka’ab: first person to use amma ba’du in speech
- Murrah:
- Kilab: use to go to hill and feed wild dogs – famous for feeding animals (character of Sayidina Hamzah)
- Qusayy: zaid / Yazid – handsome, majestic, light in his face, intelligent. He grew up in Syria with his stepfather. He was teased and his mother comforted him. He was called mujama’ ie he gathered all quraish in Makkah by his good character. He had many sons include Abdul Dar and Abdil Manaf (who fight after that)
- Abdul Manaf: Qamar Batkha (moon of the town). He had so much light in his face and he called people to taqwa and silatur rahim
- Hasyim: (to break bread) In famine, he went to Syria and came back, cooked a soup and put bread in the soup for everyone. He was the first person to go to Syria yearly and bought things from Yemen and sold it in Syria (Rihlatul syita was saif)
- Abdul Mutalib: Syaibatul Hamd (Grey hair but thanking Allah (Sayidina Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam was the first one who had grey hair as an honour (waqar) from Allah). He lived long 140 years but he never drink wine. He went to mountain to feed birds. His mother name is Salma.
- Abdullah: Qutayla (Waraqah’s sister) knew there’s light of nubuwwah on his face.

Seerah means suluk or path, travel, live and follow

‘Khiyar quraish, khiyarun naas, shirarun quraish, khairu shirarun naas’ (the best of the best and the worst is the best of the worst)

-Syeikh told us two stories and asked us to find
a) lesson from the stories
b) connection from the two stories
1) Quraish have 4 kids: Abdul Dar, Abdul, Abdul Uzza and Abdul Manaf. Khuzaah, the chief in Mekkah became weak, he called his step-brother from Syria to Mekkah to lead the people. Qusayy came and he went to sort the people who make bid’ah. They don’t allow people to go out unless they’ve given permission to do so. Khuzaah was threatened. Qusayy built a house called Darul Nadwah and it was the first in Makkah. It was a place for people to gather and talk. He brought lots of tribes into the city. When he died, he asked Abu Dar to lead. Abdul Manaf was cleverer, more beautiful and have the light than Abu Dar. Both of them died. Abdul Dar’s kids were not the best people in the tribe. Abdul Manaf’s kids decided to take over the power. They brought a bowl of perfume to Kaabah and said whoever placed their hands in the perfume, they’re amongst them and then they caress the stone (The Mutayyibin). Abdul Dar’s children came with a bowl of blood. They have decided to kill each other and after discussion, they decided to split power. This was the first written agreement in Arab.
2) There was a merchant from Yemen who sold something to a person from Bani Salim who refused to pay the correct price. The mutayyibin said they’ll protect the merchant and they made an agreement to protect the merchant. RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam with Abu Talib and Abu Bakar RadhiyaAllahu ‘anhum was there too. ‘This is a blessed agreement, if I have to do it again, I will.”
Lessons from the stories:
- agreement brings unity. It is very important to honour contract.
- ‘Hikmah is a lost property of Muslims’ (Hadith)
- Mutayyibin: close to RasuluLLah sallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam. Da’wa start with the people nearest to you.
Connection to stories
-to Hudaibiyah: roots of medina established.

In the year of elephant, Abdul Mutalib married with a girl called Halah from Banu Zuhrah and he married Abdullah to Amina on the same day.

Mu’jizat Nabi SallaLlahu alayhi wa alihi wassalam when he was born:
- he raised his head and pointed his right finger.
- Nur emanates from him to rights and left
- There’s a voice saying ‘rahimukumulLah’ when he sneezed
- Persian fire went off
- All the idols in Kaabah felt on their faces
- Byzantine palace quake and verandah felt
- Lake in Syam overflowed

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